Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 68, 23 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — NEWS NOTES. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Pnneo Au«lre Poni.itowski, .le>cei»dant ».{ Polish kii "■». It.»l iau by birtli anil resident of l’an*. nrr.vo«l in Ni «■ urk l;»te lv oo the N >rth ttemi:iu Lloyd s 'c.imer Sproe. H-* comes to Amenea to marrv Miss M in.lo Bourke. w iid o{ H. M .Caipeo tier of O.ikl.nul, C il. R-t. W W C.«s->, Doctnr o{ Diviaitv nml j» »st r o{ the Howurd >treet Melh«Hlist Epiaeopal Cbnrch. t «>k up tli»» pn>bl«‘m *»f the iam «te sinfalnes> >{ «lancing •a a l >t ‘ Suiul,iy D.iticiag is no mero trivi.il Jissipation in the • stiui tu»n of ths shephenl. bnt i >trio»«s. «t •rgon'Us. s nl destn>viug »*vil l«kos tiio he. rt <»{ iu «u aud \\«>m n a».iv froin tho e.irm*nt pnq». .s.‘ t»{ iife mul tbnt le-ids losin an<l ru n The Chin»se in S.«n Francisco \ baving «leeuleil tli «t it wonUi Ih» the p.«rt of wi>»l -m to complv w.th the re«j i)rem»‘ut> «>f the Ue ' gistr>itu>n !-«w. are dispUying nmeh dtligenco in gettii g their cert.fi at< > n *w as they dul i d tfereoce before the Suj>renie Conrt r ib“l “11 the eonstitttlion*lity of the Ociry law. Mr H“im A Br >wn. the well kuuwu sugsr Hiul t«r tf expert of M issichos»ptts. is .n Wuuiugion for the pnr|»se of oouferring witb tneinl»er» of C«»ugnws m re Utīon to tbe statos «»f ī«n|virt*-d s ig r. a rvveuue prodaciogi«rtīcle. Mr, B»own believes tlut sog*r s'j«»n'd l» «usdo dut«*ble oa a gradaated sc *le *co»»r-.li. g to ihe ; «l“gtvcs »«f p irily . *nd thal eon-sn-t.ers. pnnlaeen* a«»»l refiner» will l»e iv «s mslih pr>»t*-cte»l «nd 000AKW t>f rev,-atie lte »>bta:o «*J fi»»ui s»sg »r w»lhunt any ioj ry to *ny Aucra*4ii int» n**’. Mr. Browa. bowever. tū «t h«s pi»a -d rvdua;g producl «s a au n> j»eHrct *nd snuip!e systcm f»-«r eoliecti' g reveuue fr -m «.igar tban tbe sy* } leio t’f levrtag a doly on wll I sngar im|*>rtel for conson»pti*H». wbeth«r nfin«*l »>r uarrfi»e*l. Wheu impor>d. Le » I that revenu*> frvnn «ngar »s »u»per i atirvly D«-c«ss*>.i ry MuuU»n iious. men j h wilh hunger, pr»*wiing aboot th» strvrt> uf Si»t Uk« c»ly, «f 65. 1 tM>» «uU-hiUuU. is the oausaa »»>ecUc e lb.»t b*6 crv*Ud c*»a 1 a4«ru«tit>n a.»“>ng Uie rewideDtī 1 of cul>y iug |*orttuua a( ibat oilj !or «vnnal «Ws<