Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 68, 23 March 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company.
Mirhll 1-94 The f»et th*t bul !e-s tb*n one hardre«l pst«‘r.t> h»n< leen iss e«l by tbe H«w»i«.«n G «crument »1 > - nol speai v >lumes f«>r the invent-ve abilitv «<f the rws dent» tbis coo»liy. N»»r are all th ■ j>«te!.ts to Hamiim. nem of tbem. j>erbaj>s a majority. are ra-njly to people in tbe l*nite«l St.it-> who w j>h to jti<*« > t their icterests all over the w«>rld. We bave had a palenl i$saed f> r the J»>nes L«»ckel Fvno«. lvecau.se we saw that it w,«s ,i g<xxl thing. aud tbe j»eoj»le who bnild f<’uces beiiove«l it the l»e,>t thingthey ha*l ever seeu Certain jwrties bad m eoi, emplaiion tbe mannfacture of the articles iis»>l in the Ltvked Fenoe, an«l we d.d not think that an iruitation artiole w»>uld bo balf »s go»«l as the origiual, henee, tue pater.t on Hawaii. We h«ve l>eon s«illing the Jones Locked Fence for a year anl it> j«opularity i> gr»»wiug everv day. As an e\i»lence « f what the Fence is tbonght of by a gentl«mau who is thorough!y »«-‘11 jx>sted iu ci*tt!e and feuces we j»ubli>h the following letter “Kapapala ILnoh. Khu. H «waii, March 10, 1^94 E. R. Hendry, E-'q., Manager Hawaii «n H«nlware Co.. Honolula. D nr Sir
I havo jnst 1 s*<au' threo mik-}* of the * J*5neji L >ck Fence” ami roast s*»y thnt 1 am very mneh pleaaeil with it. in fact * it is ihf f.‘iice for a ranob. I hail nl»out a inile to constrnct or« r I “pahoehoe” wbere it wa» nearlv imp*issibie lo pet a j >-t ilown anJ foaml in thi-. eaae, especi»llv, the “Jonos fonce” was ;» gn-nt s.»ving of 1 -bor. Thereare pliieeH in fbis Fence whtre the posts are at least 7ō feet a(urK aml the s|»ace bet»een in with There is no aag to tt an.l it is aa spring\- a? a wire mattre*s. I am c<>ntvlent that it «ili tarn »ny oniinary st»>ck. I bave sonu two anJ a iia!f miles iu »re to ? 1 constnict over a eoottry whera w:Ki cattie are very plentiful. an.i as soon as ;t ha- an»iergone the test ibere. will wnte yoa farther. If it wiii tarn tbe atock on this part of the iand. an<i 1 feei con&lent it wiil. y>>a eao rest asssred tbat t( will tarn moet anytbiog. escept a Lava H-nr. , Venr Trn’v Yonr». s J MOXS.\niUT
Tbw shoild convio«>? tbe mo»t »k«ptic«l r if ihem »rep«opI« wbo »tiii (!oaot, i«t tbem eome to oar *We *nd m>p«ct * **a ,.i«. Tlr Bmu3 8irtun a, - 3L/7 Fort Str«et.