Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 68, 23 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Is That So. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Is That So.

M » !»re t‘»Kl t al Mr. H'*ury \Vnt» rbonse. a well known n *rcb <ut. a councilior. aiul a (sii,co 1870) (1- ft* ito«l can«liti it'*, ft-r Iegi, »tivri honom, stat6il y< sl-r-J.»\ to a ]iromincnt Haw han that, tbe provisitm <ls were in poss< -.>a>n of !<dviccs wbich shoa that Minister Willi s w.ll be rec»!I d from bis rn:ssinn t«> H W .ii bv nrtb*rs that will be rec»*iv «I by th** Aostralia t»»rn..rmw. Tho»pri!it!eincn »*f tli»> I*. h ive •» w.»ys b-*eri sj>t to c:rtch ;»t anv straw ctf< red. bot we m ;>t curnj !imeot il.e Hawaii ,n on i .> • att>t <le in refoeing to plaee īnv eoi t; I nee in nuy >t »tement> m.ul by Mr Henty Waterh>>ns» (on (H)l:tical q iesti» ns) or in being e t|>t<ir»'«l bv »dj>erfie ul i r»v ni >< s Therec.ii[of Mr Will;» n»ay be un establi>h d f.ict. We wdl kn<>w it t*>n»orr >w, bnt we l> g to sabuiit t<» Mr. Hm\ W ;t:'rboase tiiat if snch »ct n ' on t‘ie j>art of the Americ «n (ī vernrn* ftt ahuuhl be « f «cf, it L> ■ cu> »1—n«»t becanse Willia «lid * wh«t !ie did. but b« eanse Le <lid '■ n< tdo what hesiu»utM buve d>'ue. r lo t.e meautiine. Mr. Wuter- j ho se »nd hi» eqaally liter»rv j part..er E nroeluth eun der .fe fbe«r i»«.raedi.«te trme to f-.«l eou.» :w>»ly t » wr;te np tb ir * »t oual ' Hawaiia- sheet t<> * l>e j»r nted iuthe -Si' *r«>tfi.'e. T e\ 1 en t du«i Lim in the HoLoxra t Otfiv«- |

v - ao Bot fin«l anvibing īd ibe ruorniog («>l£ci«i> org.«o »btrb eoalil inlono tbe pabhc t( l!l>* C<'H'lltutlOQ4l CCQTt>nt.OO Aet »* i nWi'Leil Bv Aatboriljr m it* eoluiun* i-> tbe Aet vhicb 1 4wsl bv tbo CoQoetk V(s!t r>.l«jr *e eallnl «ttcnU >n to tbe dt~«r»p>vnc5 tv!»āug to tbe I o«tii. l.xL»y, »i> m*k« » aot« th*t th« c »i»j rei»ting t« tbe Wrm of resiti'cce m H««aii « f «K-l»>gv -» ( appeuia it Ihe i>riated biil as' l*MD£ o»« y«r. «hiie to tb« re- | |iuri >>f li « m««tiDg it «t« *tAt?d a» Uivtug |oq ton»u*a i>{ W F. . Aiien) Uea t»ai«o i«sl to thrt«ye«rv. I> tt d t tio>« tbat w« i«Mrti d vbit -t vU«t' (Stuc« tbe «U>v« »as i riot> i ■e i«<m Iwo Mia.*tcr Data>»c i Sbat U>-< (. «ui.>tituti>>n«l «t>av> >. ;ton A *t .» «m*od«'i, i» tb« I « tud tb»»t tb« Ad**ruMr T«r»zoa i* »rroii«o«M>)