Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 68, 23 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
C4eneral Aclvertisements ORDWAT k PORTER. . // v F"ri and Xunanu, H a «- Jrst F.c« v.d. ,.r I f)t /n n ' tu.l d H P> Mll'EE £\tr to t' i- (.'< niitrv l'< Ha ndsome Carved Bedrocm S:ts lit Solid Onk. a*a or ' ■ LA 77-. ST PI SfG.\S. ESPECIAL ATTENTlOS IS C.\LLED TOT .ESE SETS WIOKEH WARE, Bf«nt fnl D« s pns r»f Wiek- r W:ire, consi"t nj: of SOFAS, CUAlRS, ROCKEHS. eto., v«-u ean tho-' in nv FINISH v >1 ucsire. CHAIRS, Conutless nambers of CHAIKS« in every st_vle. ineln<iing Ol 1 U L and HIGH CHAIRS. :z:-rxEXTsxo3sr tables, We h:«ve had a number of calls for tbese Ti»bles. with /'HAi HS t-» iuutch. We have now iu -.tock the , •BEAUTIFUL DINING R30!VI FU3NITURE EVER SEEN HEKE. Sideboards and -:- Cliiffoniers In Great Var*etv. itDI V A. 0\r S - « D vans coveml with PORTlERS are becomiug qnite the rape ia |.lae« «>f LOCNGES we m»inifactui« them to onler and have a laige*3tock of PORTIEKS to sel*ct from. BEDBT <3-. Gre>t ,tss«»rtment of WOV£S W IKE MAlTRESSES —Spring. H -ir. M«-ss. W-*ol and Straw Mattr* s-« ■- on l.an«l and niade to i rdcr. I.1VE GEESK FEATHERS «i d SILK FLOSS f r Pd.o«->. CRIBS. CRADLES. etc. WiNOOW SHADES of all colors aml siz s. COB.NlC£ PJ1.ES. in wood or hr ss triminings. E I B2 I BT G-. Mattresses, Loonges and all Furniture rei>aired at r* aso> able n s. CABINET MAKISG, in all it> braoch« >. by Compeaent Workmen MATT1NG LA : D •> «1 loi rior Decor t. g ni.«ier the Supervis.ou of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAY. Our Goo«ls . re F r>t C1 ss. and • ur prices aro t!ie lowe>t. Come and bo e nviuced —u tri.d i> s lie te«l. • Bell 5‘J5. tf.lephokes; Mntnal f»45 ORDWaY A PORTER. R ‘b.uson Block, between Fortaud Nouann AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record Fourth Heat 2:15. i Made at Stockton. Cal. Sept. 23. 1893. S rr, Pr'-mjy*T, 2.303 br i e Bn' T' Ib.ni. ilnir. »'« 2_P- tD;.--r iMb»tb*MKo( Aj*l. 22«. Tin it. W*lk*T 2231; 2 2Tt; Cte»vlJt; .m. Ur.’l »t.t:Dr. 2 IT »r.1 V hj. r. 2 2S 'V«)(>; r»n M.ok.owboi [ aad ai tba Dmw» > foof .».1 ....>I itr>|>r in f-ir. I.03U >11 n». p«>l pfiHiii(rr - a i a pua* r*or ' >1», W:li iMkl (.<r • ba»U-i e"#f a w«l n)TV i»V» OOLIJ(!.S F« >B THE Si A>* »N, p.jr*b r * «t t>o>* ol Tb.« l*.r~r U«.i In lsse U> num *a4 fe»rtT oj.U r feb 17-lm IX II DAV1S.
\\ t E, 8( Bf\o lMPOBTKRS AM) DEALEKS IN Groceries, I > i'ovisions AXD Fe©d, HAST CORXER POKUk KING STS. New Goods Rec’d B\ eT©ir P«ckef from the E**tera aad Earope. Fr«b C*Uforui* Pn«doce bv erery »teamer. AM onlera la>thfnlljr »4t« o«!ed t>. »nd Go J* »Wlireml to am p*rt of the cAy FREE OF CilAKGEUUa l OrvK>rs S , »l»eit«n.l. S*t <f»rtioa Goarastoel P*>U OSm Bos Us, N- ; . W.