Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 68, 23 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Cf IEAP FURNITURE ! YI?fG FAT *Co. Corner of Kit>p *nd SU . Hooolalo, Offtr » l«rpe of £oe «od d*«tr«b!« rrw\rn hk. whie'.» tb«r sell «t • r>ry low fipor» Bnūt«*(l«. Rurv«os. XIe = t 8«b«. Wardrob««, etc.. »t pneee to so.t even body. C«ll «od impeel for yoor»elTC«. m rl2 VING FAT ± CO. JL*S * RECEIVEl) frcm JAPAN S«ror«l Kiod of Cotton Crape, Latest Style of Shlrts io differeut qoalit)cs. Ag$ortmenfc of porcelain Tea Set« a Specialty Jspai»i'M* Lnnterns »nd mnny Con m suitablo for Cliristina8 Goo<Is. 411 K1NG STKEET, llo«KJnla. IVil 47«. F.O. Boi XS6. U»tn>i M4. o<>!3 ltu Holiday 4 Prcsents Tl e nndcreipned hep leave to #»!! the «ttei'ti»n t» a lnrpe ans «HmoiiI o{ tnsteful a'«d eu pant J» w*>lrv 8uitub!»* for Clmstitias Prr»mt8. Hawaiian I^la£r l’in^ m different liaea. Hawaiian Jewelry a sj>ecialty. If you w*nl to boy an elepnnt and at the same time an inex{ ensive Clin<tmaK Preseut. eall around «od insjH»ct my stock. TH0S LIM)SAY, Mcla.rur Hk>ck. Fort St.lloMlnln <ixl 1 1 Sans Sanci HŪL^L, WAIKIKI. HONOLl’LU. Firsf-C/ass Aeeommooaiions for Tourists and /s/and Guests SUPSR10R BAĪHI*C FĀClLfī/eS, Pīirat9 he FatnilkS. T. A. S1MPS0S. o«t9 )Lni|w<