Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 67, 22 March 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company.
M »rrb 14 I>i** Th*» f»ct lhat bat I* ss th»u ot>e hurJiVvl paīenl' h Ik-» n bv thc H»vaiian Govermncnt iKi«s not >pe»k voIaroes for the uiventive aki!ity oi lbe »esidebts of this oonntr>'. Nor *r-» ati she pateuts to H»waii:«n>. m nv »>f tbem. jH'thaj- a msjonty »re raerely to jveople īn Ihe l’aite»l hUW' vbo «ish ;>> |m tirt the«r inten*sts all over the wt>rKl. We hate ba»l a j>itent f<>r the Junes L >eke»l Keneo. • l»ec»oso we s.»w tb«t t w > a p<x>«l tbiog. anil tbe jH'>:j»le who l>aiiJ fenoes believ»vl it the l«"t thingtbey h.-ul ever soen (.\rt iin parties hail m oontemj>lation the raanofactnre of the artictes useil iu the Locke<l l'eneo. aml we iliil not think that an imilaiion article »otilJ l>e half as good ns tbe original, henee, tbe j>atent on Hawaii. I We hive l>een selling the Jones Ie>cki J Fenee for a year and its popalarity i> growing every J v. As an evidenco of whai the Fence is thought of bv a geutleman who is thoroughlv wel! j>osteil iu catt!e aml fences we pnblish the following letter: — | . “Kapaj>ala II. neh. Kaa. Hiwaii. March lrt, lsrtl E. K. Hemlry, E>q., Manager Hawaiian Hinlware i Co., Ilonohiln. Dear Sir: 1 have jnst corapletetl «onu» (hree miles of the ‘ Jones Ij»>ck Fence” aml ronst s»y that I am verv rouch ple«se«l with it. in fact it is the fence for a laneh. I hail about a mile t<> con»truet ovi»r ' {<al»oehoe” where it w ib nearly ini{K>sj»ible to g t a ja>st down. an<l foand in this case, e«jx»ciany, tbe **Jone» fence'' was a great aaving of l <bor. Thereare in lhis Fence where the jh>sU are at least 7.1 feet apart an-1 thc sp.\ce between filled in with st»,gs. There is no s«g to it aod it is as springy *.« a wire mattress. I sro cnnfi.ienl tbat it will turu any orilinan stock. I btve aome ! tw<> aml a balf tuiies more to constract over a eoontnr wb«re w.U cattle are very j>lentifu). acJ as aoon as it bas aaJergone the lest there, will wnte yon furtber. If it will tnro tbe stock f <>n this part o{ the iaoJ, aml I feel eonfiJenl it wii). yon ean rest • aaauml that il will tnrn mo«t * anvthing. rxeepl a Lava fiow. Very Trn’y Yoar». • J. MONSAERAT. n Thu sho iIJ coovince th« mo*t skepUcai if lhere are peoplo whu i »Uli Joobt. iet Ikem eome to our »tore anJ inspect a aemple* Tte B2iimj HirtTrat Ct, ■ . »>7 Fort Sl<eet. :f'V/ ī' ■ ’■■■■■ " ' l* ' ■<.