Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 67, 22 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — A WOMAN'S HONOR. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


Kep. Tnrpie Talks in the House. — \ to Mr. St»vens’ freqaeut ;iIlusions to tlie leeu of Hawaii «;< ’ lhe -lallen the **jnst1v tlothpone<i Queen.’' the “late immoral oeeapani of par:»mour,” Mr. Turpie as.sumeil mueh imlignatiou of ra,moer. | ■* \Vt re heasked. “phmaea of officTal correspondence; or w <s that tlie poiishe»i language of dip!oiuacy? Had the f ct that Mr. Stevens. when he usetl theiu, had cea.sed to l>e a iliplomatist placetl him boyond the paie of m.uiiy oivility aud of those aiiieiuties beeOmiog> one who had bten iu such a h:gh aud gncious statiou' \Vas it necess »rv for any pur|>ose of State, or ft>r the success of the provisioiial goveruuieut. that Mr. . St.‘veii" st» )uld recur the coarse and calloos iteratiou, to the inisfortunes of tbe dethrouetl QueO'i, or that he shoufd nssait tiie l!S*.*iiiug ears of Christendom with tlus story of the frai!ty of the fallen womau who had been | bostoss fr»r iuany monfchs? No iuferenco. Mr. Turpie d clar ed. n e*l i>o resortcd to fur » just i estuuHtioa of the minister who i» dite*l dispatches »,f th*t fs»hioo «nd ti-u _>r. The offict«I cbari «cter w«s self-depict*d. se f-d«-scribed. Who, he asked, wouid attempt to loueh. to mir. or to aaieml that ful!-leugth. fauh!ess j>ortrHit of the intematioa«l spy, ingr«te. and uliaw—dr«wu in «II tl»e durk profusion of its native h ues? Mr. Turpie told the story f the Greek peas«nt stung to de«th by the serpent wb:ch he had piekeo up st«rk and frozes nud placed | before hi» blaxing 6re. uut»l.| slowlv reviving iu the g»ui«l w«rmtb, it turoed. f lly coded. i andspnt!>g witb po!soueil f*ngs npon the husiv»ud uiu s. throat: ■ and wbec tbc wtfe aud childrvu looke»! f *r the «athor of the f*t*. misohief. “Ihe rwpt»lo gaest ha»l cr»*pt «WRy.“ Kep. Tarpie cooc!adevl wilh ihe sUte ueat th*t the Uait«vl SUtes cann>>t, «I tbis time, eons»der f*ror«blv eitber the tn»fy or tha projecl of «naex»tton. Decent rvsi**srt lor ihe opinioo »>f the mHt.boK«) w»med tbe» to | st«ud »f»r »>tf fn>m th« tempution. Tfae Umted eoiud not aiford to iocor tbe saspicion of I pn*fiting by a pahiie wruog so! «bhom*nt to the pnaeipiee of 1 jtt*tice. No matter hnw deeirable tbe «cqaisit»'*n of tae Hawiiuo • i lsi«n<ls uugbt be. to «t aeqaisition v»q)<I h«ve to btf liUiaal m » | hlft-reai m*uner It d>J n»Jt be- ; euae the d;guīty or st»t!on of the gre«t Repobhc to vwrt from * j «xapiFitiQpiv we«k anl dtffend- j leea people their pl*ee «od oame : «motig tbe n«t>OBS by stenltb. by ! i mhmu» of diploa»al>c ūomm. or by | any pmeeee of fngtt.v« l»*gerdemain or eililni l-wol. N * *ac- > mm «onkl alteud sa«h n «ehem* ■ | «I lawiean «poliaii jo, ** Wheo we ’

ihim lo enl»rge oar B»tes»»l «1 > GtasB." Ke »ti4. 'by the * i.)it i f t:mt«*ry, ia Ihe Haniiao or e-$cwbere »t mes: eome !•> ia tbe open b*frl wiU» tb« p»'q elean. pare. ua t»>nted Or, if it do r. ‘ eome and i* taken. »t will be Uk-'o by tbe ng ana. w»th $wor«l d«*n to Ihe rye of «iay. a$ pn» oI war wage*i «gsiu<t tbe poklie enemy. Then «a»U tbe Aap of the Kepul» l»r d s»t. *s oft before. in pri<ie •mi glw, orer nuny a stricken fieid. won in i»attie—for th« ‘ iast, tbe fre«. *nd tbe brave. — Wioan i Po*i.