Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 67, 22 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CHEAP FURNITURE ! VIIfG FAT *Co. Corner of K:np i Betbel SU.. Honoinio. OfTer i Urp> ctt of fice and <ks!rmble Fl RMTURK, vhicb they *<ll at * x*ry lo» fi*dr. J{mŪV«i1* L«re..D9, Me«t S«few, W»TdroUs, dc., at pne-.n to »oit everk bodr. C«li «od maj*ect for yoorBelres. mu 12 VING FAT A CO. NJ\j4-VU-g[l0?|lA JUST KKCEIVKD£rom JAPAN Sorcr*l Kiml t-f Cotton Crape, Utesl Style of Shirts m ditferent qoahne8. (jreat A$ortment of porcela;n Toa SoU a Specia!ty Jaj>ani4«e LauU;ms nml many Corio« Huitabie for ChristU)AH Goot!s. «II KIXG STUEET, Honolaln. T«)*pboa«k, Koil 474. P.O. Box ** Muluai 544. H..13 ltu Holiday Prcsents Th© umlersigr.**v! beg leave lo eall the Httenti »n to h inrge «sRortmeut of t/tstoful «ud olcgant J« woln'. suit«blc for Chnstmjs Preacnte. 1 lawoiian Flai2 l>ins m difierent size». Hawniian Jewelrv 0 f a sjM>cialty. lf you want to bny au olep«nt and «t the same tinu» an inexpensive CbrUtm«« I*resent. eall «n»urul and insj>ect my stock. THOS. LIM) SAY, M lu*rov H.oek, K->rt Ss H 'oululu <W1 U Sans Sūuci HŪI’EL, WAIKIKI, HOKOLULe. -A. ... ' • » Firsi-C!as$ Aeeommooaiions for \ Touri$is and ls/and Cuesfs SuP£RtOR BAĪHt*G FaCIUJI£S, PrhnU Cotta$#t for FamifkS, T. A. Siyp$ON. oct9 Mac«ger.