Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 67, 22 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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th_e A EDi *Vnheuser-T5nsch Brewimr Co. w»» tbe Prizo aI W ovld's l* £iir KL K BrauH 15eer. VctiM0 lieniuu vt C .. L*d . 5t. Lon». t>'T. 5S. H lu'Iala H f. fk> xr Sir* —W< k*r»» v ■ vlo«.! you » ccpy ot the *• <> > nrf lfc< grvat »icton »on 1>V tfc? A58ITSII-Bt>H Aswuvtov *ith ' EAOLE • i Hwr. ISigOr»n ANHErsdUI 1* > >H BEWIXC. A'MK IAHON. L 5 s £ K 35 -. - S ’Iu l“r i Maclarlaue Co M Mnr. 14 >raJ. Ayetd* for llo tnittitn

Again in Town! New S- »!! *>;, New N ew liiNtrumc»ntrtl «n«l Hmul S<*WH*tionM Tho «n<l B<«t r*'c«iTe<l bv tbo aieamer XJonow«i, a.o no« ! on exh l»il on .<t tbe Popular Phonograph Parlors, .\rlingt"»u Biock. H<»tel Stre* t. Dou’t mist«ke tb«* LtH - ati<*n. (-19 Criterion Saloon PFR AUSTR.VLIA. «noth-r Inmie- of ibe cel« br*tecl JOHN WEILAND EX T^A pALE LAqEF^ BEER. Al»o. x Frjf.sH Ivu»ic* or C/\LlpOF^NI/\ oysjEF\s oysjEF^ COCKJAlLS L H. DEE. - Proonetor. WM. DAVIES, Btevedoiv ***> V r reckei\ r.'Tn.aE.s asd c«»vraicr» os ALL «SW or «OBK. Tbe Sei.oooter MAHIMAHI, J * ■ | »iil n« Tnfa’i,«riy U(«mta thā» J*»C «vt \V«nla% L«ubaāat. Mokaiou. Lm«*iiu | *e>l Keli • « ll* ikkmi <4 OwAo F *te, *pv*7 o Ute C«ptei«. R*mt of Befe. j ei»e-' — T m|oire «I Offie oI J. S V *ik r. ov-r Spieck ■!.*' R» kL. «h W ri ;bf Bros- ■' Fort 8txtet. l^U,

L.\NT)S AT A(TT ON Bv virtuo <>f an on1er issne«l h\ the Court tbrooph the ('hiof .Jnsti\*e. Hu. A. (■'• .lu'M. in to th** Ci»s« of W (LlilAM WATS»»N *-t al. »•_* »it»st I).»\ il W’.»tson, tlu‘n> will l*e s--M hI Luhlio Auction, at the Auelion j llooma of Jauu‘s t. Mi»rjj.*n :»t 1o'ol»»ck noon. on SA U'KlhW A rii *2S. 1894. AII tlu»so premises sita;»te\l at Knneohe, K'»olaupoko, 0»ha. an»I more |».-irticulnrly »losign)»t*-«1 h> lollow», to wit: Lot 1 3.80-100 aore> Lot 2 4 21 Is»T 3 37.90 “ Lof 4 ... 1 7.3ō “ All are narts of Iloy.»l P;»t< i»t 174 to Panl F. Manini. Lot 5 '20 aorvs Lot 6 20 “ Lot 7 20 •* Lot 8 54.30 Lot 9 54 50 “ All nre p»rts of those pn inis< s conveve«l bv Kam« , h.»rnol».i IN to ]> ivi«i W'atson, hy >1**>'«1 <1 »t«*«l |T»-o. 29. 18ō2-. .*n«l iw r.i«ir, L»her 16. p p> s 127 «ml 128. Titte i»«*rf* , ct. IK-e«ls :»t the ei|v n> - *>f the Pnrchas*>rs. For further psrticul»r> *pplyto Wn.MAH C A«*m. Att;»roey for tl»e Coma»i>-iioner, or t>* S. M. KAAl'KAl Coinmis»ioner. ll .noluli* Feh. 23 ls‘.l4. 2SToticeI>»rin)t tr>r *!>•»• noo fr»m lti» K;!»!»». mr hr>.!her LF.E F*>I »( ttMs Fin» of >un V«t Hop Kw al W 0*1». *;uul ul lor a.e «r»»b («U p"»»r 4 A».»ra»>. KVAI VUKN d( Vūuu(. O*ho. M*r ath. !v*». 6-lav> F0R SALE. COLTS AND F!U IKS b» S»T»iBOVl J 22 onl ot «sjch auur» •* S ’ 2 Uullli. “P«»ir ' 2. i6 * , H*i'. ■» fl' J»m of -Mi» HAmnn'I» *»•( - «nit U — 2 21. "Tw»akL' 2 J0 ,. “L»ly P* »rr> •o 1 «h>r p»«i »»’ ■'Ib>j>;»r' pa]H*rK ieeow b>*»»8 v.‘!» «n.i l\uai— r% iln*>«giihr»l »» Mk »U*B!» 2’H'iua Eoi;H«k S»H« ? Bii<4 ■'Min i* S !««•.■’ .» poM «iM«r it> Uoei» ukI fe>l*. «!■» :« tn4 S» auā»« * ‘«IV* H>.<H)«ir h*«rd, J*rmr br Stn«c * ' i«n<j U!f>*.*' I aule* Co*\ t ot (stttxr APPtT l» A i. CABTV.*KI«i»fr. M*r «J-d W0 CHAN & Co. Merchant Tailor * Ktag street, Tbomt» Block, ».eit «ioor to Holomaa oftic«. All Suits Guaranteed to Fit t and IX TllE LATEST STYLK « .AClt>lb«s CIo»u«»] ae-1 K. j...n «l. - uo2. ■ *ī - , ' W* . . .