Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 67, 22 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Another Runaway. [ARTICLE]
Another Runaway.
Morcb*nt street « nmawuy th U n>orning. Tlie h«»rse of Rack N > .”•<). heIonging to the haek st.tml coruer of Bethel anel King streets t«X)k the haek ont for a preci{>itate»l excursion ; !eaving t!ie driver behiod. The horse eame teHiing «lown the street at full spet«l,Hnd in the iuo-t uiiraculous muuner avoided collision with the numerous ctr-riag-s and telephone p««sts. When the ruuaway »rrived outside the A'l» office. the ••royalist” horse real ; z»*d that ev»*n a b««rse ein g«> t«x* far, and w thont capsiziug tiie haek, he turned aud started on his way lnek at tho same siH>ed. The oiuni-present professional rnnaw.«y catcber Tnuk Fereira was on b»nd •**«! ?. *ght t4i«> exoited aniinal before any dHmage was «1 >ne t«> aoyb«Hly. Tiie bappy «lriver received his rig haek in go« m 1 sIih{K‘. nnd it is t«> l>e hoped that ho, in the future, will keop ! is eyes on liis liorso aml hituself ' uml his carri ig;>. W iere was • \Vi>gner ond the «>ther specialists in fust aml furious driving? Tho situation in Hawaii remains npalten*«l, bnt the Provisional Government are sai«l to be making «verv preparation for «l claring a Be{>ublic. The gencral outline of the }>roj»«>seil gHvernment is in line with that umler whieh thc l'u te«l St «tes i> g»Terned, s «ys an excbHUge. with the eieoplion of franchis - f«>r the Lower Houso, or Leg'.slatnre. It is propose«l to plaee «n e«bicalioual »rul property qualific»tion upon v«»ters for President. Vice l‘resi«lent. »u«l Sen.-.s> «*> «>r mem l>ers of th«* l'{‘{>cr H«>use b*Hving Bcj res>*nt»tiv s t<> tiu* Leg:st»torv. «>r L« »«r H>>u.- , to be elect**il by franchise. witbont qmJi6cat»on further than being ,«ble t«» re»«l an«l wire the Engiish lsnguage. This wonpi give the Hawaii«ns nu«l a largc uuml»er of the foreign elem nts. inciud ing th« P«>rt»igue>e niid J;*{»anese the nghl ol sutiVage. Powt*r »» t«> l»e invested in the Executive hu«1 Cabiuet t» -»ct m conn«ction «vita the lT>{««‘r H n>o.or Senate. in the event t»f the LegislHlore «*r L wpr H«*ase. r»fasiug to eoact d6Cwmiv b>g;s.ati >n. or ;n case of ad< H«il> ek. or lue attempt«sl pissage of obo« x«o s or s}>ec»Hl legisl«ti >n. Ex.