Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 66, 21 Malaki 1894 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


!\Vf 1.) DAl hoM ouru*lvr- for lh« opinioaa or the utteiau'. , «i of our eorrespon teats.] EDITOR IIoLoMl A: Would it uot bc tdv; able for tbe Mnialer ol tūo luteri«r, he ri«le« out, to cast h - eyes uj>on the tidewa!ks. The grass an«l wet ds Lave taken foll j>oesossion iu pl«tes. aud pedestrianb have to take to the middl*> o* the streets Tax Paver. Ehitob Hoi.omua; Ouee more we hear of Mr Ilosehi.l. the Marshal s other pet. This niHn’s j'o-ition is eleik. h*ck ol the counter at the Il«ceiving St.*tion. We baven t forgot how obnoxiou:; this man made himse!f to all t :ie men nnd *>flicers «t the St;*ti<>n K» «ise wlien he w«s first instalKd there interfering in eveiyb >dy’8 bnsiness, althongh. he is 8tipposed t > do nothing but tend t<> the work back of the counter. He was reporte*l for this ncany times but all tlie sati-f«* tiun that cou!d be g >t from the M«rshal w.\s “He is a |oo*i man, ’ aud has l>een recoron.tnd- ‘ e*l to me as beyond rej>riach. | He w:u. even alloweil the |>4«er

to orvltr a mau back to tle "bok up' becanse he i tho man) retiset! to p»y a liqoor bill to ū;ml»t the station. that bo saūl to Peaooek. The mao was Hvan, inJ the oase is not ftrgotton yet. Aod still ho * "beyocd roproacb.*’ Sato(d»Y night, th s man eret took t npon himst ii aithont pro» aieaiio i to play tl e v«rt of Jobt» L Sailiran, b. cause Mr. Arthnrt WiUei insistevl on his n.ame beiug inr.de oat correctly on bis rocfipt for bail. He Jeliber4elv struck him in the faco—»nd not with t le gentle «Up he vb)d make be)ieve. An l st;li ke’s •‘bevoi.d neproach," «nd A P A Ei»ITOR HoLOMn: I coi.sider «t pr»>per to pre.snt to yoo, for pob)ication. fron « well kto«n paper. the M owi|;: The New York /w hts tbis to s*y of the preaebrs | of Hawaii: *‘We*re not cabd on to prove that aov misaionrv cbeatev. or despoil«J any Hi«i- ; iao We «ould cot do so if «e e<Miid. On ihe facts now bef«- , Ihe world. the honlea of proofe j, oo the o>iss;onariea. A?ter bc . iog bten for iov<*cty r«a» t> j [Uhn. teachers. gnides, aj * goatdit os of « aiwple. ignoraQ ' tnobti« newlv-civilir(si race. tl J prop rty of the i&!&nds ū foon to be naia)y īn th«ir poM»esa : or ! in tbat of th«>r «ons. and < tht> 1 able. iDdaatr>oas. and eL«gi| * vht(a taan, *itb »u •» thev a«* t -■ 1/'? r

•»“ ? i- ■■ny* X T , •» -1 - - t i*. ■ - a ■ fri«*bJ» h«r« *! L -eae «u ū.« * ppe». j- ictng i-t tfc« P>wr«l denano at?oa of th«s« ua« aalive» »s kk>Utr4»i. ipo >• nat. 3ofa*st« aod nnftt f r se.fpr.T«rtfm«efc Th«re vs n*» coort at k a»ty io th« worlJ whu a woald cot ander th«se e leaia»Univ: find;ng th«* m;ss; >Dar; ‘- UJen w.»h so mueh prepertv. c->mp«I th«tc to eiplain bow tb<y by ifc When a guardi*n ifoaud g»vrg«*J w ih tbe go*xls of bis w«rd. be is n< t alloweal t-> gvt <"!f bv *basing th« w*r\i. or sb'.< r ing how !gnorant be is.‘ !f »he explanaX. >n i«: f -rc i by *nv conrt of eqoity the r*scalwoo«d then be »arned oat. Yoors. J"STICF-