Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 66, 21 March 1894 — The Small Farms. [ARTICLE]
The Small Farms.
ITlu' Aii\rrti*rr ilevotos a lot of s{>ace moruing. in atlompting to b.«>:u tl»o siua)l farm Uuion*. A r*iuioi porusal of tbo article *bows th-*t as usual no eipl»ihIioii is uiHiio of » hul tho >aiail funuor »s to prodoce anJ «here bo is :o fiud a uiarkot for his prolnots Tho truth isth»t u«tthor ihe AJtnti*rr mau or anybody ei»o | ean mako i shovmg that voald prv»ve iho possibilily of tho smail ! tanos *nd tho -u:all fanaors exi«ting hero. Ifmon are to l>o j inducxl to eomo to Ua«aiī and uke i j> Uad>, it is Deoeesarr and ;ust ihat lbo sita.it on as it is. and ; m.>t as th« ddtrrfuer paints it. > i sbou!d bo f !ly (toinU>i oul ani eipla.nei. We haro claioied that ; thcro aro no prus(>octs for small farms iu Hawaii. Ir. the vicinity > of H«. nolala. a stuall fartnor vtth | a lilUo capital tuay be abie to onst thrcugh salo of milk or butter, but no«hore oatside of Oahn ean be do so A d tbere aro no GovornmeDt lands avadablo hore. Tho ann «ho takos up laud Cor the (>urpase of plantmg «1*00 must «ut sevon yo*rs Loforo be roaiixee amthmg—and vbat is be to hve ou iu tho moan- . time' lf he become« a angar planu r ke «ill kav« to look to . olher moaus of «xiatoooe until hi« £kt»t «fop m Uk«a ol- aad «•
I n f ip -<• - * -w , pt**nls~ ia, ? ~a« ■*»*»"> tiaft L ;L« »11 bio»«If. Th« fni:l mda*trT «nay be pept g ce«r Hon»?ain bat er«n br»nch itt\k«s capit%! to n»k« • PoUkw« j «o<l corn *n» eahinu*! to «t«nl or: M*oi and bo» īl ū a act tb*t eom etn b« br >og!.t to lolo froni Jv»a Fr»nc 80 xc;i solJ cb«aper th*n lfae Maa'. prtvloee «hile it Myt better for * f*nn«r to fe«d hs» pigs witl fci* potttoe«ratb«r th*n i »h:ppinc tb«m *aJ « e:Bg all tbe ietoras «»*llowetl by tbe exce»»i Te frcight charge*. We befcere la any mea;are whieh wiH brinR a good ela-- of men bere for tbe Jevelopcient of the country. bot we do ue t beliew*in cs;ng f»adalent anJ fa se ~tatenBents for tbe porpose of tempt ug them bere: *nd tbat is wbat the A rrv**r is doing when it enlarses on tbe tot;ll\ exp!oded theon- of amall farm< for IlawAii.