Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 66, 21 Malaki 1894 — The Registration Act. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The Registration Act.

W e k«ar no more aboat the Reg(Stration Aei. Have th« eowneiIioiK gon« to sleep or have th«y be«o scared into dropp»ng !a meaaune whieh all mt«Iiig«Dt men appiwe of' When •« ta!k , «bout regi-«r*tion, we mean th»t , *b<- Uw sboo!d be g?o«rai aad not onl/ aflv'Ctit«g a »iogie elaaa or race Wher« <loes th« objec11 q cc> te to soch a mca--ur<*' No good aml booest citizen will l*e ; *fraid c*f be:ng (oco<l on tb« 1*ooks c f the aotborit:ēS aod to J infonn theti of his wbereaboats | «nd movcni<>Dts. Il is »gain»t 1 tb> —ntiment» ol * izatioo ' we arc toM. and c.*olrwiy to tbe ideus of freeraeo. 8--sh‘ Thc Eur<*j-caa couatric«re :(-* civi! /*•<! aiu! frre ; n prineiple» and idea* <>f civil rig*its. »nd yel no one ever compU>ns tu'cause h< is watched bv the * authoritiea from bi» b rth to hi» leuth. A boy is born. Tbe >uthorities ma»t !*♦> notifievl «ithn twehe hour>>. and a birth certificate is i,"Ued. If the boy i» o be « CbrUtiao. he i-- baj>t>/evl eorolled on tbe book» of tbe •hurcl, and gets a certific»te. The Uws tben ins:»t tbot tbe vonug ‘ freeman'' bo vaccinuted «bicb is done—and he g<ts a eertificate. Se\eu yoars oKl he s scut to school and j)reseuts hi» three cert ficates before he ean «*uter. He is then again \ iccinatevl and certificate numl>er four is iss«cd. F*mrteen >r lift* en years uf agt- Le is eonjroicvl, but before he ean {>uss Ln*ugL tliat onleal he raust pro luee hi» four certificates When io reache?, his sixteenth birthUy the ever vigilHut authorities • uvite • hiui to enter l;is n:iwe on he military l-r*oks. whieli he l<*es »nvl gets a Kook. Froni liat vlay nniil Lo is forty-eight vears old, Lo cannot tr«vel or hange 1i- resideiice withont roducing hi.s book, aiul gettiog tegi*>t->red l*y tho a*»«Kt*ri(i*-<- *n ns uew <juarters. Ho cannot lake » nto iitnself u \»ife without l>rodncing nil his certificates, and uo | arsoo ean jH*rfurm the iuarri ige oeremony wiihoul • asoertaining that his victim is born, baj>tized, coofirmed, vacoinatcd ami ernolled. There s >nly one act the Earoj>oan freenau ean perform witliont a certificate, -uul that is. to ilio. And tlien his family will be fined if bis d->ath is m*t reported to the «uthorities wilhiu t\\olve hours >f his detniso—au*l of oourso he eaum t bo buried without a certificat • aml by t!ie j>r\Hluciug of ! »11 hi:< for»uer shps Aml y«t we 1 Euroj*eans never found »t a banl- : -hij> <*r d- trimental to our digmty iu fact we never gi\e a tbought f<» what tbe S»*lous of tho d tfereut oountnes considered « j'r:i»K>nt i»».d wiso moasure. Dy all means pass a gencral fiegistrat»ou Ael,