Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 66, 21 March 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Th* d thrrtūrr a j>}xvars o» lh<*! ehampieo o( Laeien Yoong. th»t th*t cffieet eoulii teil • i oml-er of »ton«» «b cL «i'uUi 1« «n 1 lo tbt roy»list», W» do uot Joubt th»t | Mr. Vouug woald be ca(«bU of telUng iuy mmuuoī of black-1 KoanliiH “«torie». but vedoabt v«ry >uut h th«t h« woold Sud«u viihng to b«li«T« hun