Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 66, 21 Malaki 1894 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The «lie« gtre in i>cttioa oi % wet n'ght Tbe wreck o( tb<? Hilo *t H»* »tii vw *old forf*"> C<mcort by tb* p e baal *t M iko<e i«;and lhis OTeoing # Tbe B<>*rd of Ho*5tb h*d i briol mfeting this aft-rnoon. IV,n tf T2< t Mi« (t%ns‘ !ect jre at tho V M C A t >m<>n*<» n g!it. Tbe crown »lil! »*b)rnH the sp;r**<* ov«r tb- roof of the Bi-hoj» mtdeDe«. * 'Doct* r r r«* (hv—df The ~.»crnt pretend to b»ve an eniploymcct b ire«a. T!re r<‘t irn< from the !,*-t oh*nty e <nci-rt at K.»w.«i»bao havo not yet l*«en rej orted. The socret Lcvgoe h.»ve Iost - _'.l ■ f Mr. > M l>.« >n"s ne.v «j>poiotee in t!ie C>»st OtBce. M:«s H irriet bum>in received it the renidenc ■at Mr an<l Mrs. l*o!»ert Lewera !ast evening. —— There was an attempt at a batt;»lfion drill, by the p. g. trooj>s, last ©Toning. m l’alaee square. Itisnot at all pr >bablc that t!i« Ti'-r, or nnv annexation j»aj»er, will puli ish the whole of the Morgan rej>ort. Sug*r st<x , k> were di»!ik<‘d to«lay. to jndge from the al)H«<n're of buyers at tbe rooms «,f Chinese boyc<<tted Murgan. 1!; •! «j> »n« - nian < f war Naniwa. rctnrned t > port toJnv from ber cru se i«> Hawaii aud Mani. Consnl-general Fngii returned by tlie vessel. A j)romin»nt d«>«n town morchnnt said this raorning that tli«*re was notbing t<» do in busin**ss circles—and j»lonty of time j to do it in. On next Satnrday evening “t!. > Rhine leelun* will be delivered in Hawaiian at Kawaiahao t «hnrcb, Mr. W Lnther Wilcox tnking tho platform as th*> lecturer. The phonograph gives voice «laih t<> many «>f tlie old sougs :tn«l u selecte*l vari«*ty of n» w «*nes at the l*«»pnlnr Phonograj>h I l’ar!«>rs, Arlingt«*n 1>!< «'k. HoteI stre«*t. One of tbe St ir cnrriera has been discovcre«l tn a j>ecnIaiion I whieh will probabh g«t him j >t< m«1v oraplovm»>nt ontside of j j ary aasistanee from the l«bor buroau of tho socrvt lx>>gue. Tbo Japanose man—of war Tugo w.<r «rrivo«l in jH>rt bere lbi» moniing. lb <lay> from Y«>ko haiua. an«l is now anchore«l iu UHv»l rr>>*. Sho i- a tine l«H»king ve-s. , i;>} aj»jH«ar- t<) be a s;-ter-sL.j> t tiie Naoiwn. Mr. 0e« rgo Cavan«ogh has * !.4k1 tbe prx>f*or iuf«>rmat>on be f«>re Ju«lge Ii«>l>er*s->n and a raan nane»! Acdre«> »ho h l«is a. |H>sition *s captain *>n tbe i«lkc • was arrv-si«sl this aftern<H>o «*o a 1 cbarge of assaolt. , An Aihleiie «xbibition will b» giwn at the *»I«l Armory OL S*tur\Liv cvenicg uoxt. \Vn»tling acd boxing will bo the ehiol fe«ture> of tbe entertamiueot. but Ihe j>rtncij-«l eveot will be « boxiog conte»l belweeo two well knowo prvfessi«>nal sparrers. t Mr. an«} M r» li udol |>h Aueibacb hate gracioos!y romembere»l the HoU)MCa io a |H*rtiv>u of a well comj>iled weddi»g oake. The wud» »» expres«H-d tbat ibey iaay !tre !oug. aud j roeper. «u»! dn»l their w.«y tl>roagh the»r u*.»rru-d * hfe U> be • |>ivwuii( dre«a.

Tbe »re in ba*:o**s. T!;e > : ■•. pc«t-s stopf«4 for tL« *Ts»«r. Dr Aedten th« gv>ld care" pbr»iciao is «oon to !«tte for th« Co»st. Fro«n bw o»n »t4i«io»&b Lneieo Yoyūg eommenew! lo«hi&g roaog Ooe of the !eo(ling articl«*« in tLe H.waum Annual i- li-e—1««r at:o& Dar." It is rep)rtfi t;.»: -m i! > ver>‘ pim]«et io the Nagoikt d;<tru*t, The Kaigbbvof P\ t!jia- namb**r C£u>cgh l.>.lg»-- t>xiar in H.t rra!i t-> c»il f r » »u»l T'The Assiraii:« i- «1 up here on Sitar«li\ fr>m S»n Fnecisco wiU» ne».- «l .te t Ihe ‘24 h mst The Counc Ss » i!l v.-ry pru h»l>!v un-i t > tn>>irow an 1 p> — (b\ > the P<*f tlie l’>ioific -ulis:(iy. H ■#. Si»«n«*•! P--«rhe» i verv prob«blv receire»decor iti«>n fr>>in the J»pane**e g>>vernment, in tl»e ne.tr fatare. Sp. eul ph*<t graphs i>£ the Dao»on preiuises at Moanalua are uow being takeu for reprodactioD, with a bistorv. Dan Lyons, is a competent teacher of <1 «ncing, and it i.s believcd that. be will receive deserved. good p.tronage. The Phi’adelphia Minstre!s have hopes of giving another {ierfortnauce withoat8t l'.«trick's inHuenee, iu tbe near fature. The erer jovia! M «jor Wolters. with some friends to aid him.will gather logotber tliis evening in meeting in the j»arlors of tho P«cinc H< tel to fonn a singiug socioty on the liues «>f the formerly well-known Arion s cietv lt is hoped thnt Geitnans g«‘iicral!y, aside fr >m loeal p«>litical foeling, will attend. The following is the order of the ehoml s‘.'rvie«s at St. Andrew’> Cathedral on Eastor Sund «y: Fcstival re»{fhnse< Ti«ilis Anihem —■ , Chri>t, our P >> >vcr ’ .Cran«er V*>nite. in B flat ... M .undcr Te Demn. in F . M«x Vogrich Jnbilnte, in A ... Bridgewnter Anihem- “On tbe First D.«y «>f the weok” Lott Hvmn- **Christ the L<>rd, is with u>today