Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 66, 21 Malaki 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company.
I I Marrh 14 18M. Tbe f.»ct that bat less tbao ooe harJrevl }\atei.ts have Kvn ;s.sje<l by the Hawaiiau G« verument Joes not -jv*k v lome- for tbe inventive abi!ity of tbe r>'s\Ients patenfcs to Hawaii.ms tu ny of them, jvrhaps a majorit' ar»> m<*rely to people iu fLe t*nited '»tate- *uo » -h i pr< • ; • ’ c»r intere-ts ai! over tbe worl l. We have ba«l a pater.t ueJ for the Jones I>vk«d Ieiuv because W8 s:iw that it wss a g«xnl thing. and tbe |»eople who ! huihl fences believed it the lv-t thing tbey hadeverseen. Cert» in jv«rties bad in conterapl«tioo the mannfactnre of the articles nse<I in the Locke«i Fcnee, and we did oot think that an imit «tion artic!o wonhl be half as g<Hvl :is kho original, henee. the pateut on Hawali. Wo h;«ve beeu -elling the Jones l>vkvd Fenoe for a year aud its popolarity is growing everv «b*y. As an evi«lence of what th« Fence i- thongbt «>f by a g-*ntloui>«n who i« xhorongh!\ | well ]K*ste*l iu cattle and fenc« s we jmblish tho following letU*r; i i “ K:*pij> ih. n«nch. Kau, Hawaii, March 10. H04. E. 11. Hendry, E-«j . Manager Hawaiian Hinlware Co., Honolula. De ;r Sir: I bave jn-t comp'.eted some three miles of the ‘ Jones Loek Fence” and most «wy that I arn verv maeh j>lea8ed with it in fact it is the fence for a laneh. I ha«l aboat a mile to oon-truct ov<t “pahoehoe” where it w *s nearlv impossible to g**t a jv>st «lown. and fonnd in this case. especia)iv, . the “Jones fenoe' wa* a great saving of hbor. There are pl«ices in this Feac« wbere tbe posts are
at Ieast 7"» feet apart and tbe space helween fille*l m with •*tags. Thore i* no sag to it an<i it is as springy a« a wir« raattn.*«r.. I am confi,leot that it wili turn any onlinar\ st»K*k. I have aome two «nd a ha!f milee moru to cor.struct over a countrv when wilJ cattle sre very plent:ful. snd as s.x>n »■* it has oadergone tbe test there. will write yon furtber. If it will turn the sUx k on this part of the iand. and I feel confident it will. yoo c«o rv«t assared that it will turn mo-t , amthiog, escept a Lava fiow. V«ry Trn'y Yonrs. 1 J MONSABBAT ! Th is shoold convim>e th« mo*t akepiieal ; il ihens an> peopie who * still Joat»t, iet them eome to oar stor« acd iu»pect a aample. Tte Hiwniii BatTO! &, 3u< Fort Stn«(. ]