Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 66, 21 March 1894 — From Hongkong. [ARTICLE]
From Hongkong.
On the 3rd instaut Fr»*derick W. Austin. engitieer of H. M. S. R <ttler. was tr : ed by Coort M *rtia) oq board the Vietor E'nanuel. »n Hongkong harbor, on a cbi rge of drnnkeness, t.'.spta:n Mct/ iahe , wa» prcsident of the Coort. «nd the other officem constitutin2 it i wcre: —C»pta!n Barr. Porpf.se. Cominander K:rby. Swift. and |Conimander Kmgsford, Imoer\euse. Lioo:-Comroand>»r CotesVorth.*K«ttler. prr>secute-i. The diarge wa» estab ish<sl, and tbe «tcnsed was sentencc-.l to .o>e e*jLteen months' seniority and U>te dismissed his sbip.