Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Wante<l. a eow; l»y the 'Ti*er. Tho Board of Health raoots toraorrow. ----- I)or Scb«ot»'U Clob tueots tbis evouing at tbeir haU. Thore nro more eomplaiuia «g!»inst tho Qneen’8 Hospital. — “l>tn s” daucing acailoray will be quite an acquisition to the F. G. dr‘ll slml. — Milittrv iuoveraonts will, proRnmably. be perfonnetl tonight ou PaUee Square. Tbe n. g. t>eople propose to hol<l nu el»‘otion on May -ud. But. “raan proposes. Mr. J. F. Morgan of this city is n U Iho anihor of “MorganV’ re|>ort against re*toration. The wreck of the b>trkeutine Hilo now at Keanhou, Uawaii has been aol<l to John Calv:ty, lt is pre*tmned that T* bill. oa licensos for Chinese wil! b« preaented at tbe CounciIs, toraorrow. M tkiki h*<l a very poor atten- ; dance yesterd»y aftern<»on. The | rid«nea probtbly in.lulgt .lin the obsertance of the day, —___ N«<st Sunday is Kaster Snnd.iV nnd the ohleo rili»s will be ol»senrtH! by the worsbippers at vari<*us ohun'hea, i “— The p e baod eoneeii at Emma S.juare last evening. wa* well at- j teodoit aud the mosie was mueh ■ appreciated by >tr<ngers Tbe Albo atil| sirg naghtly. lo lrrgu audi«nces. «t the Popular Phunograph Parlore, \riington Hluek. Hotel street. Po not forget the entertainmenl an i)>ostratet! lect«re. bv Mrs, Gans, at_the Y. M. C. A room* ou Thnredav evening next. The Women'a Ten>|<ranee , Cbmtian Union met thi$ afterI noon in Uie C«nlr*l l’nioo Charch. They are Buarbonic in . their ideoa. , . ■„ A roy*l»« «r r*lhef iBWt ; H|. hu he*u heW every d*y ,j ti »r ; «c U>e |«»»I weele, hot ooly • j Ihe ' IWr «r SUr hu b*to • n<b»«d »I lo lookla lh* plae*. A