Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 March 1894 Edition 02 — SAMUEL PUA SPEAKS [ARTICLE]
The Representatire for the Fiflh Ward of Honolultu Oir. s his Opinion on Minister Wiilis, in the Xew York World. Wa*!iiofrton. Feb. !>»—Er*rr Iim t<> t>Dtibui'ie tbe tl»e wiwi .ib of tbe W.tr (i * sng th«t M»tmter Wilii* Ure enllwl, L.t-* «<it frotn t!i« wliml* »!i'>v tt,*t th« A'ner.c n Mtut»ier i* penKiiM non gr«U n t onlv t-> th- n »l O vern n>ent but »-ven U» the in(«t c*>n***n*tive of the ex Quceo’s foil»wew, The f<»llow»np 1etU*r,; heanup on Ihin f*r|. vu receiv«*d y»l nuy by C. C M*»reno, at one liiue Pnme MfO>ster t«* Ku>p KaUkHoa. irmu S«cnaei K 1*0«, ' a pr>iuioent n«tve liH«raiii>n one o( lhose wh<>se w«re xubimttc«l to Mini«tor WiIIih bv M «r»h<tt VVils >c a.H the Que«n s tra>»t«*<l H<lherent.s imi ooo wbo has lonp ooeopied \ bipi» po»i tioii m ihe ruy>ii>t eouneila: '* My Sir: I <ie<urc to j»l«ce l»ef<»r© yoo »oine facts rola- . tlV6 tO the *t>ta* <>f uur littie kinp<lum. whieh is i»ow enUHĪnp so iinieh piUlioii iu tbe Unite<i St«t*>K. l*erun! mo to coiun>eDt bri<-fly upou tl»o cimrso |.urMi<><i by tlio r»tited St>tos Mitiister, AllK>rt S \\ illi» fn»m tlie tuno he laiuloii boro notil Uie rovo»»ue culU*r C'*rwui arrive«i auil subse<j<tenily left our »hore». *'Ilo fouud the citv iu |>orfoct haro»ony exco|<t for the n»ilitarv ehow uf th« ProvisioDHl (ioveruiuent, wiiieh hml usun»o«l the rulo of tho king.iom. Lat<>r on he x*nt f*>r the Quoen, t<» eon vcr.se with her m rog«ni lo tbe cours© «he wuulil puneio if ho shouhi ci«rrv «»ut liis instractini»8 frnm Pmiihnl Cievelaiul. Tho rosult «>f thnt conven«Hlion you an> f »niili»r with, as it is |K>»il»ly |»ublislie<i in «11 the new«- i pi«|H>rs of tlio l'nion. I um s »tisfie«i tb«t if Mr. Willis h«d heen m true a<ivoci«te of tho DemocrHcy iie repree< ntoil. nml a mau <>f honor, lio wouhl never havo atliIiute»l « ith the Pn>vision«l Governmeut missioiiMriee pn*vioua lo his couference with the Quoen, ' for it is e e;»r to us tliHt tbey in- | spired him to fo!low u conrse calca)at«»d to iuiure tbe <Ju«>en and the oauae of ner j>oo|>lo. “lu his first conversat»on with ttie Queeu ho Rssumed the attiImlo of a l«wyer, eommanding hor tc> Mi»swer his quustions as he put Ihem t<> her. hurdly givmg her n ehaooe t<> bn*athe. aml certamlv no opport«nity for coosuleratlou. liul wlion bo dernati»lod the surr«*ndei of the i>rovisi<uiMl gov- i ommeiu ho did not ev«n stipuUte that they slu>uld roply wiilnn *ny cerlain liioe. Had the Queen lieuu us geuerot>slv treatcd, she w<*nid h<«ve ba«l time io tefl< ct ■ befure answering. H<*w ioconsis- j (eot w«s liia c«>urse! Surely. he is not a fit «lipl*>ieat lo repre*eut tbo hon«*rable body of of whoin the h»>n*>n*d Preeidenl of j Ihe Unīted SlaU*s is tho heud. • I snw in some of tbe oewsj>aj>ers of tbe 1 nited St.«tes at ■ tacks ujh>u the Qm»en. cui!ting her a , 'bl«K«ithirsty woman,’’ Ikh'«usc aocorditig t»> Miu«t«»r \Villis, shc «loclar*>d hcr inleulioi» of l>e h< »dmg tiic iu-i>rgen{-s. N»>« vou know ihe H.«witiiun people weil «*iu>ugh to Ih« *r me ont in the st.»t<'n>* ut thatthewonl behead" does not orcur in «>ur h«ng iage. i aud tliat sucb «n id«»a has never lx*en ei l»er eo(ert«ined »>r sjs>ken l»v a w«>m«n »>r tnan of this na- i ti»>n. The Qoe« n m*v hare u»*-d the w«>rd *|>aond»* whieh «*ccars in oor cousl«tation s*u«l m our la»s. for trea»on. but it is absuni t*> ch*rge the Q«eeu with tl«rv«t>*uing U> ‘*behe.vd'’ anv one, for onr l«ws ele nol recogo'i»e tbe woni, Mr, Willie nay b«ve pal th«t wonl in bis disj«*tches in onl«r U» c«use auotber howl fn>m the TU>publican p«rty in the United State« an«! to make a «livi*iou «n*ong d«.mocr«ts but 1 am sun* rei>rescBUtive lb>m«>cratswill n«>t l>clieve tlus m srv|>resent «tu>o of our j>eopleand our lawa. in «nr •venl. Mmistei Wiltts is t>«>l a worlhy < g«*ut of Presulent Cleve lend. and must l>o n-ganled e«ūser *s * spy or nolhinp. “Thc result «>f Mmist« r Will-*’ mimion to tbts country. as sbowu in wbat h«> b*s wntten u> the State l>eparl uenl and made knowo to Ihe j>e«>ple t .»n>agb lh« of tbe l uited S{«tes. leave« im a verv msigniflcant flgan> in the mind* o( th«>ee who arc figUting f«>r ihe Quoen’s cause aud tbat o| ber po«>p'e. lf the st«temci,t> pabhshed ;>vcr his sign«tore. wen* re«Ily hie own. th«u he c«noot fail lo j>crjare l'nM'ieni Cierclaud aod bis jmrtv. H« ha* (aited to emhamia» or h«r«s» thc aon«‘v«tiaotsts m «n> s«\ «lthough U»ey bol»ttie him in tbeir newwpapen» h«re almo»t d«ily. * A* to the ml«rr»ew Mr. Wilīi* h«d witb oue Cbarle» B Wdmb , 1 wili c*U yonr att#ntion lo
aoother b'.orskr, If b« had desired to te»i tbe lr< th ke conld b«ve g->t :t witboat tt<? lewai d*ffLcu<tv btr coaaa«Ueg « few i-lbm ioterested is tl*e Mr. Wilaoo took tbe re*pooaibili- | ty npoo bi« own s*boeMers of m hcwting who tte | frien«l» were witboot oar knowl- j wlp* of it- I Wtieve many olhen* b<*td lbi« M«rae opinion. aad | would not be«or'r«ed to leam «f a cor ~pir<cv oa Mimster Wiilis p«rt with tbe pe>pi« o( Ihe prv>ns(on«l Governi»eot. “I boj>e tb«t the Pr«sident will! nr-t nM ee tbe attco>pt »>f tbeae iri<wuoo«r<ea to botnbug him. bul ■il| puso his jM»licy «be«d witfa-1 out bes*|.tion m order t*> bimsb ine d«rk c!c*n«l wh cb h <ngs over oor beada «nd delivr<r a* !r<>m tbe Uand« yf p«opl«. “liioticed th«t >f*n!«ler Willia stakd that ti*e Q.ieru ’s frieiuU w«re near!v a!l E.*gtishmea. and tlivt A-ii. r.csns w.-re n<»t aim>ng tbem. The M*m~ter ro<y h«ve lu-en iiv-pire-l by tbe-*e misi>i«>ua r»es to niake tbis s.ttteinei»t. but, if b«> » <iit*.<l to t*-ll Ihe truth, be «ould bav« r*-v*-r»«.-*l h»s st*»ry of ti*e matter. When the Qacen *si> ask <1 by Mr Wdlis who wene lbe j*eraons in whom «he h .a fu!i confi<k«nce, she t**S<i bim theso gentlemcn, n»«iaely: Jos eph C«rirr. L. C. M«cfarlane. .lohn Bieb«id««n a«ui J -se{>b N««r«hi—two j*ure Ameneana, «>ne l.n If Americ«n :»nd h*lf Hhwman. ai*d one j*ure Hawaiino A- I bave s.ti<l. the missionnries are cvidentty iuspiring Minister \\ il- ] ih . »nd, by j>eru.tting lliem t<> iiid>tence huii. he sho»s h*niself to be a tr«it r. A(ter readmg all <>f Mr. W ill»> «l*-spatcho8. I nn> fullv convinced th.it the »«»rk of the Rev. C. M. Hyde ean be do tected in them. This gentlein«n is gelting a firm huid upou tliis diplom«t. who, I fear, will be used as a tool for tbese j»eoj>le. as 8tevena wns. c«using endle«s trouble »n«l eieiWmenL “I remain, sir. your« truly, 8Āmiel K. Pea.”