Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
-Aclvertisement» dEMENT gIDEW \i\$ AXt> Cupfaing Laid. f F>tiraatos girea ou »tl kiml* I of Stone, dor,c?0t8 \ Vlw\ Co5CEETE A S»'EiTALTT. JNO. F. BOWU R. jj»nlT iim CHAS. GiRDLER, Importer aiul Commissiou Merchant. 8PBOAI.TIE8 J. Sc IV Omm' MwUm Tkm<l J«sm {vnx k*' VIivKi:;.‘ Th»tJ R>H»nrV Lmo TKrc*J I’wm»' So«p P. O. Box 118. Molnai Trf*pho«» 05« 13 Kuhniuis:i : LEWIS & C0. Wholesa!e and Retail 6rocers A\T) provision de:alers. FRESR CAL1F0RN1A 8ALM0N ONICB Bv E»ery b»u PnuKiaM St*asiMr. Salt Sat Cf Bvi;kei.s a Sj ecialtt. rrt Fort St., Tel. 240, P. O. Ifox 297. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “ArSTRALIA." ! Another Invoice «f thc AV orld Kenownw! i Frcdericksl)uro‘ Uio'cr Hecr On dranght inei by tbe keg. Alao, as a Specialty. SHALL FXESH CAUF0RM!A . 0YSTERS. ** I !fou cocktails f«*22 1na Longj Branch BATH I N G Estabiishment. TbU 0atiuiiR Re*ort bxs been enlaxyv<l »nd U n<<w open U> tbe pablic. It u tbe be»t piaee on lbe uiiaU to enjoy a bath «nd there is 00 belter plaee U> Uj od. Speeial aeeommudath>nzi (>r Udm Tr*mc* n» paa» the door every haif bour &ud on SatnrtUy» and Sundays every &ft«ea ninnlea. e. J. SHERWOOO Proprieior.