Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Auheusei'-I5usch Brewinsr Co. ' Vlr " the I?iūze « U» \rorld’s l 'air »‘ ,h EAOLK Bi-an<l l>or. Sr. I>H h< Ot. J8 IS38. Mhmu« •* Co > Vv Hooolaia. H I. /Wr .'sr* —W« bir« m*iW roo • rcpT *be *• ■ - the T»etor%- won bv Ihe A*BKTSX*-Bv'H ,1?jhVU tio!» «ith «>«ir ’ EAilLE Br»a%i of ik-er. ANHE! SEK-BCSH BEWIMG ASSOCIATIOM i 1 ❖ N I & 5 * & sr Ā - i s> In onlenug tlii> I«'t i >K K r tlu- KA15LL i>r.*u 1 A: Co., M-*r. 1! 2md. fur H‘tt NotuU.

LANDS AT AUCTlON. Bv virtne of au onl»*r issued bv the Coort throuph tho Chief Ja«tice. H' n. A. 1 • JuU»l. in r**p.inl to tbe C *se »>f ILLIAM WATSON ot al. apain»t I>.iv.»l W:«tsou. thero will be s.>i»l »t l’uhlio Anotion, at tlie Auction Kooma of J.imes F. Morpxu. it lo’cl«H.*k noon. on SA'lX>llDAY April 2S. 181H. All tiio.se pr»>mises sitnate»l at Knneohe, Koolaupoko. O.ihu; ao more particnlHriy designated hs follows. to wit: Lot l 3 80-100 acros LoT 2 421 " Lot 3 37.9t> “ Lut 4 7.35 “ All are parts of Royal I’atent 174 to Paul F. Maniui. Lot 5 20 *cres IjOT 6 20 IjOT 7 20 “ Lot 8 54 ōi> •* Lot 9 5I .70 •* All are parts of those {>remi'-•« conveveil bv Kameh.unoha l\ to David Watson. by ilee»! «1 l>ec. 20. 1862. an-1 rec*<nl»sl in Lil>er 16. p ges 127 aml 128. Title perfect. D»*e<ls at the expens» s of the Pnrcbasers For farther partieulars apply to Wii.li.oi C. Achi, AUorney f«»r the Comci>isaioner, or 8. M. K AAI KAI C«>m m i.saioaer. Hon >luli* Feb. 23. 1894. Xot iee. I)nrinc ®r fr>nn ihi* tay bn>th*r LEE lT»l ol the Fina *>f >on Y«* H«f t.ang k«* at 0»la, ihall sct (w m stih («U pp«<r.it ro»>. K'.v,ti vn x Of Wkuuo, Osha. M«x. 5ih. isr>t. iuat S-I«a>' F0R SALE. f>LTS is*i> nLUEsbT' yrTGnovE' 222 oot ot *t*cb um »• ikik»’ 225 tm< 2.1*. “P*4e~ 2 t»f ••M *- HilW*«»en' 2 .'I. i R ~ 2.21. “īwīnkie* 2 30 : ■•L»« y lV»ir»” ■Bd -<h*r» ip »«i mkn. -Pnnw" p«pt««k lem» S»*t« xtt ī I>iinf1, ibmM|Ektin>l .•>■ both ’ih». PUe iMk» S*(tff auii S -hh>, - a peii* «iaoe» in bmrh aad i»l*t »«) *teancb. Si m«n ».«•• (Mt*r tbxuo|iil«sl. B«!t. hjr -ra»’» Ki::.' o«t of “J»r—r Ullē, * 3 «ka CV*« li» (7nirr pMtKiu<rK APPl,T to A i CiKTV. RI«.RT Mi. IS-tf. POIM) M.\ST K’S SOT.CE. \xha» M t' »s ;•*«. a*k IW W .1 U» F Stte) *t W» kiki. ihr»w «ts»y»l kf.* i t». » »»•! Imw. «to« ipm ■'O ih> ! wao.i i»l t»-k. Ml kmi W*. bn«l tftJter>I U«< ■««. *fo*t ‘tl Um> l-'*r Um «hM» «tpv imah.) PO«* n$h; lu® f*X I P*<» r*-i Wte te.4it ttebtetmb*hir «s ftotM bttei Wv Asj jwr*.-« «r »»f»*.s» «rautg lkM« ta»uh «r» n«.»«a«il to ««■* tnJ t«h« th# «uw ea « Mbi» 12 ‘et,<k kM 8»Tl'Ei)AV. KLAKl'H. 2tO» H»t V*th. Mar. 12. !sS PmmI VU.ter

Anain in Town! .. rs e\v >• N o\v He»*itation«, N»?w l nst rmn< iital |J »n*i Hanel Solecti<Jiis The Utest aml Rost rereive«l bv the 9*f»m«>r Monowai, are now , ou fxhibil on at tbo Popular Phonograph Parlors, 1 .Arlinpt"»n Ul>Kk, IIot«*l Strect Dou‘t oiistnko tho Ix>cation. ft*19 Criterion Saioon PFH ADSTRALIA, another Inv«»i<v of the c«lebrate«i JOHN WEILANO I pALE LAqEf\ ; BEER, ■ | Atao. \ Kkemi Inon or OA.LlpO^NI^ oysjE^s FuR OYSTEF^ C0CKJ/\ILS ‘ » \ L. H. DEE. Propnetor. WM. DAVIES, Ste»veclore AVrecker. •\ Ern*irE» d co.vrK*‘.*rw o.x •: ui eniM or wos*.

The HrehoooQor MAHIMAHI. «il nn M»««a ti_ . n>n uri WwoIm. K. t» i'iApei. NuKaWm, lu«««a l a •t ■ Kuik> a -1» u.Ua4 >jf Oaba F a» fwj k(. «it. to lb C'*ftota. Bwt of Reie bikv* — a( ; Offic ol J. S. W»lbr. ov**r Ba ik. or Wrii»ht Bru«. L r <to UMI 8pwck 4»’ . ¥oH S(it«

WAKTED | Tk« DOQ»k«» of lbe Hounnuu WW Ao« »1 ~ 5« Teo ceoi4 « copy of nain ber «ill be paU »l tbe ifoL«>j»rA ofi«e. U