Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 65, 20 March 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]

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Hawaiian Hardware Company.

| Mar*b 14 1894 Tl«e f»ct lb->l bnt l-s.s th«u »n* hapJred patents hare Wo ;>< ol by ihe H:tw.tii.to Governme«:t does n»t »{««k v ln-»o> f r t •• invent ve ahiHtv of ILe r«-> deots o( this euaikln. N«>r m .-«ii t!.c {Mitents to Hawaiian», m nv <>f tbem. }>erhaps a raajor.ty. are nn-rely to people in tbe l nit»d St «t< •« who w sfc I ]>r *• ct t .i r intervsts ali over the wor?d. XX e h«ve li»d a |»«tent m-ne-l f>>r tho Jones L H-kt*d Feace beeatise »t> >.«»» that it «* .- a g<>od thing. aud t!ie people wbo build fences believcd it the b»*>t tbiugtlu-v ha«l evcr seen. C<*rt.iin pirties had m couteiupl«tion tbe manufactnre of the articles ased in the Locked Fence. and we did not think that an imitation article would be half as go<xl as the originaI, henee. the patont on Hawaii. XX’e hsve been selling the Jones Locked Fenco for a year and its popn!arity is growing everv dny. As au evidence of wbat the Fence is thought of by a geutleman who is thorooglily well posted in catt!e and fences we puhliah the fol!owing letter: 1 —— “Kapapala Rmch. Kaa. H.iwaii, March 10. 1894. i E. R. Hendr5*, Esq., Manager Hawaiian Har«lware Co.. Honolula. De.«r Sir: I have just complete«l soaie tlm>e milea of the ‘ Jones L*>ck Eenee” and raust asy th«t I aro ven* mueh ple«sed with it. ir. faot i it is the fence for a ranch. I had «bont a mile to oonstruct over I •*|>ahoehoe” where it was near!y imjM>ssible to get a post down. , aud fotti«d in tbis case. especiai)y, the “Jones fence" wa« a great saving of l.ibor. Thereare places | io this Fenoe where tbe ]H>sts are at least 7ō feet apart and tbe apaee between fi!!e«l iu with, , staga. There ia no sag to it and it i» as springv* «.- a wire mattress. I am coufident tbat it will turn 1 any onlinan alook. I b*re aome tw» *nd a haif uilea m««re to eoostnict over * country where wiid oaUle are rery pl**nlifal. ! ac>l as aoon aa it haa anderg->ne tbe t«*st tbere, will wnte you fartber. If it will torn the atock ’ on this part of the Uud. aod 1 | f»«l confident it will. yoo ean rwt as»ored that it will taro mo*t i anv thing, exc«pt a Lava fiow -| Very Trn y Yoan. j monhakea r.* i • { Tbi* sbo ilii eounuee tbe mo*t > ( ekepiieal . »f tb«r« *re p«opL» wbo l ■ stiii doabt. i«t tbem eome to oar > *tore aod mspe--t * sampl«s. i (< ■'; Tte Bavtmi 8<r.iin Cj.. i — I* 3u>T Fort Stnbet.