Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company.
Mareb U ' The fac( tb>t bat le5s th*n one hnrdrevl patent> bave l>een ls*cevl by the H*w*itao Gv>vernraer.t dues nol >(>eak voIu®es for the ' mventive abī!ity of the residents i < f thi» conntry N r ane all the | pateiits lo H.twaiian> m*ny of ttbera, jH‘rhaj>s a majoritv. arv merely to people in tbe Cnit*Hl ( States who wish to prvtect the«r interests all over the world. . 1 1 I I We have kad a p>tent is.>no<l for the Jonos Lockvsl lenoo heeauae we saw tb*t it was a . goo<l thing. and tbe j>e<>ple who build fences believed it the bv >t 1 thing they had ever seen. (.Vrt »in pnrties had m coutemplation - tho m.»nnfactnre of the art:cle> used in the L«H'ke<l Fence, and we did not think that an imitation ; article wonld be half as good as . the original, heneo. the patont i on Uawaii. . We have been selling khe ! Jones Locke«l Fonce for a yoar aml its jK>pularitv is growing everv dav. As an evidenco of j what the Fence is thought of by a gentleman who is thoroughly well posted in cattle and fences we publish the following letter “Kapaj>ala Rancb. Kan. Hawaii, Mareh 10, l s 94 E. II. Hendry, Es<j.. Manager Hawaiian Hanlware Co., īīouolula Dear Sir:
I have jo«i Kome three tniles of the * Jones Loek i Fenco” aml raast s*v that I aro * very mneh please<l with it. in fact it is Ihe fence for a iancb. I hatl ( abont a mile to constrnct ovor • pahoehoe” where it wnv nearlv j. ( iinpossible to j;et a post down antl fonnd in tbjs case, ospf*ci;»llv, the “Jones fence” was a great s,»ving of lab«ir. Thereare plaeo* : | m this Fenco where the |>osts air | at le ist 75 feet apart and tho spaee between filled in with vtags. There Ls no s*g to it. aml it is as springy a.« a wire mattro.«w 4 I am confident that it w:II tnrn any ordmar> stock. I hare aooie ! Iwo and a haif milea raore to
constract over a coantrv wherr wīlJ cattle are rerv plentifal , an<l w 9000 aa it baa antlergooe sbe te?it tbere, will wnte yoo fartber. lf it will tarn tbe *iock '■ on tbis part of tbe lac<i. aod I ; feel coo6Jent it will. yoa eao re*t aasored that it will torn moet I aortbing. except a Ijira flow. Verr Tra‘y Yoan. J MONSARKAT I TbU sbo , jUI coovioee tbe mo»l akept»cal. jf lh«re are peopie who | 9tiJ Joobt, let tbem eome to oor store anJ im»pect a aample. I fte Hmiiu BartV2fe Cs., -1 807 Fort Stn* : 1 <