Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 64, 19 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
A flvertisements dEMENT AJtD dui i liing Laid. Es:iic.it< £ given on &II i.in<ls of $tone, CoqcPete Wop^ Co5c«*rrE a Speoialtt. JNO. F. BOWLER. janl7 3m CHAS. GIR0LER, Importer a»i«l Coinmission Morchant. SrEL'IAI J. A P. C<mU' Maehin» TU«ra 1 JaD«ii Hr>'k»' Thr«M<l B*ri»‘Or'« Thrv*d r«*r»' So*p P. O. Boi SW, Mata&l TrW-, h. ar 3LH 13 KAahoniMoa Strrot. LEWIS & C0 . iAholesale and Retaii Grocers AXI> PROVISION DEALERS. FRESR CAUF0RM.\ SALM0N ON 1C8 Br Errrr B*n hwKiwi StM»r, Sai.t Sal*on in BvnBrj.M a 8rrruLTT. /// Fori Si., HomoMu. T<1. 240. P. O. Box 21/7. Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTRALIA," Another Invoice of th<- World lteiu>wnerl FredericksbiinT Lager Beer On <lranpht mel by lbe keg. Alv>. a.-* a Specia!ty. SMALL FRESH CAURORSiA 0YSTERS. KOK (’(K KTA1LS t*ti 1n> Long Branch BATHING Establishment. ThU First-€lM»» Bathtng Re-«>rt hi» been aml U now oj«n lo th« pablic. lt i» the Imm* piaee oa the wIaiuU to en]oy a bath inil there i» no bett«r plaee to Uv ofl, Special eeeomm'*Uttou* (or LetlitM, Tnuneam pue Ihe door erery h«H bour *nJ on Satar<Uy« an<l SunJav» every filt«eo mmniee. 0. J. SHERWOOD Propri«tor.