Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — GLADSTONE GONE. [ARTICLE]
The G. O. M. a Party of the Past. . - GIa«lstooo has rosign«d'. GU«1stone tho Premier of EngUnii. the man who held the political 1 sitnation of his Wlove«i coontn*. in his haiul, has rvtirevl froru puMie life. IVath. so kind to many of the groat mon of the cirilixed world allowed Napoleon to lingcr for years on St. Helena ! 'nstead of endtog hi» c»reer at Waterloo. IVath has left GUd- | stone the greatest living states I mau to heoome a sbado«r. aod |' aear!y a royth. Preferring to j d »appear in tbe inien'»! of his 1 country from the field of hU Ub- ' ors he bas rosigaed. ratber tban cling»ng tu otboe as a snperannoated meulaily «eak, politici- J 1 tn He has endeared h»mself a huudn.d timea more to ' the adrairation of his fello» I eiluena by submitting to age in iving do«u hi> l*aton of office and ■ hke Cato. retirmg witboot public rt*ward. «ithoat officiaI recogni- * tk>n. to the shelter of hia home—bi* true Englisb home. Centnnes may go by, more popoiar men| may eome and go; men {*ampering to tbe ambition and tot he Tanity of Engltshtnen will ( p»se by the pages ul history * tho Graad Old Mao. of £ngUnd. i wili nerer be forgotten. j . '