Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — TRUTH IS MIGHTY. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


And The Holomua Hepresents It. The HolOieA bien ridicolcd aod moeh kbaxoi l<y llellelonn party. and by lbe Dii.«sion*ries getwmlly becanse. we Iifted » waminp ruicc lo »bow whai will hap]w.-n if tbe oen —aednced by Stertn*—were to ron tbi* eoontrv. \V« refcr oor readcr» to oor cihtorial o( \*-«.ttnlav, aod we l>c£ them to re* d the following—aod ihen make their conip3ri*< na: xitr n;t\TT wmt HAwan. In the intenial reveooe section i» ■ stw prov aion directing the l*r> -ident to immediately not'fy tl»e H«»diii«n (ioAemmenl tliat the l'nit«-d St«te» wi!5 tenninate i ’ twelve month» the treaty with Hawaii tnade in 1H“5. For Tlie ber»efit of our «ngar ineu we add: T»r st (.AU srtnotLE. On sngar. not nbove 80 degreea ]K>l»»n'CO}*e t(*st. a dnty of 1 ceut j*er }K>utid is levied; for every «dditional d«;gree < r fract on, not above 90 degreee, tbe duty i» 1 100 Mot additionaI; above 90 uud not abuvc lH>dcgrees tbe tnx is *2 100 |H*r eaeh degree »ddit 'tial. Abovo 9<> degroes it is 1; e< nts js*r poond. Mol«sses, t<*»ting not above 50 degrec» by }K)lariscope test. 2 cts |*er gal]un; nbove 50 degrees. 4 centa. O. Smith! Again tbe iilnstrious name of Sniitb is added to the list of }K»litieal j>atriots. this time by a d— b—- S(uith. We are somewhat |>ozxled a» to wbat dcsignation togive the new comor whether as *‘ex Hilo.’' or *‘Sk.»tingrink ' Smitb, “roller coaster'* Smith, “electric Snutb, “shoe' Smith. “jH>kei ’ Siuith or David l$owers Snnth. l$i,‘tw<»en tho W. I). Smith and the W. (». Smith and thi». lato!v added, d b Smith, all of whieh. aforesaid Sruiths, «re earrvingout tbo policy (*f inf«my. wo «re apt to bo dislikeil, by aome rcspectable Smitb. if eommeui is made ou tho aeliou <>f auy Smith be ho hlaek or » hite. evou Johnnv MoLean beiug liable to misoonstrue our appliealion of the name when os«h1. All dolegate« to the }>ro}H>sed uow coustitutional couvontion must take the following oath: I «K* h T - ve«rs. « uative«of residing al ... . in said District. do s.*loroulv awear in the pr«*senoe of Aimight>' Go<l that I will stipport aud be«r true allegiance t-> tho ProTistonal C*ovorrtraetit of ihe H iwaiian lslaods, and will opp<*»e «nv «ttempt to n*store or to re-e«tabliak raonarchioil govemmonl in «ny forxu m the ilawaiiau lslands. The Paradiae of thc Pacifie'* haa nu pnll with the present ('ounell. The paper h«d a pn> |>eily pa«*>d appropnatioa alloweJ xt. to eap»re Marv*h 31*t. bot the aocret l»ague t»rvlrmf the “Solon*'* ‘ Ti»er) to »top it and it was done. The prv filcs of Mr. Smxth or Mr. Daraon bave uover ap|*eare<l >o the * Paradtse;*’ but. therw i* hope, they are not yet dead.

No Holomu* tooaorrov. The | ] hoii(ity is giTt*n to the«mploy«M to permM th«m to o»lebrat« the gloriom» auniu‘rsAjy *. f th«* birth of hi«toricnl |*ertotmgM mho h»J cut their «>• t«*th b«fore tbeir i (lamlae. Tlu» uamee of St , i‘«tru'k, Kauebaiu«ha and Joho 1 i'ummm» are «ali koowo iu < liawaii. Jotiu Oammiua >ti)l i i