Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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hAWA.il HOLOMU^. I» PtBLlHHEl* I2vei*v -Attornoon QCDT »CXDAt BT THE Holomua PublisMng Co. At Klng St (Tboman block), Hunololo. H. L pcr 2te ah. 50 Cu. IV |«p«r t« «Wwwl t>y UnWn in tbr t..wn *»•! «'sKart»*- morW fsr S*l* tt Uk N«>w» Unimi uil «I iM U®o» ot |mbU»b(iB. Eoy \D SORR!Ē. - * Editor FĒRM'iOEZ, - Manager XOTICE. \U R«>imw C'nm>iirio»t>oa* »hool<t be •aānwM») to AbnU*m Fcnmn*le*, Boaolulo. H I. Wncr an<) Coni!uniiir»lin!w lot i utUi.«t: >n *b<>atil W•iUn'«*'d U> tb* &)ilor H.<us ](f>).<taOa. Xo n*itu<c Wlll ht jwud to *tiy anouytuua* «»«noiunti'*tu»nn. HusiiiosH C'jvrds A. T. PET£IiSON, ATTOKNEY AT L.AW. t)«or 1(3 Kaahuiouna Mwl, Honololo Hhwiuau I»l»nd*t. CTIAKLES CREIGHTON. ATTOKXEI AT LAW. oai-i (13 K Stnwt. Hunololo Hawauau l«1ttn<ls PAl’L NKIMANN. ATT0RSEY aT Law 314 >f**n'hant StnH*t. Honolula, Mutual Tele|>bone -41 *>. CLAKENCE W. ASHFOUD. ATTUKXEY and CXH'SSELLA»R at LAW. i*®!-*. OUl Kaililinii. (Honolalu H«»W). ad>uniui: Pu*t OftoA Hunoinln. iOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, VTTORSEY AT LAW, ()(Vum> cnnwr King A Bc*thol Sts. LEWJS J. LEVEY, lu*al Estat« aiul (leneml Auolioueer. U<cwr FuH *nd V>3«vt» Slrr»U, Hunohiio Penonkl att<*nti«>n gm>n to Sal«i of Farniluiv, K*««l Estate, Stock »ml t«>ner«l Morcbamlise. T.-Wt'U a* 23» A K08A. ATTV*ESKY at L-AW. No. lt> Kaalmmanu Sl.. Heaolulu H.t**u*n l»l«n(U. H E MvTNTYRE A BRO., Qwxrutī Feed StoekA Corner ol K:ng uii Fort SU.. Honolulu. Kmpiiv Saloon, JAltCS OLDS. Puuw*. Fine Winee, Liquof$. Beef ALWAlS OS HAST. Cmmi N«uu «»<l H>m«1 8 iWUTVWrbMK SSI. Pv*i OāU» Btn *? W. S. LUCE Wine and Spiri1 Merchant CvtnpbeU /’ire BU>ck, MERCHANT ST HONOLUL