Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

|Anchor-:*Saloon 'i E\ AUSTRALIA.j AdoUkt Invoiee of the WorI<l J Renowiied IF redericksburcr o Lauer Bcer On draufLt >nd by tbe keg. AL», v a Specialty, Small Fresh Cauforsia 0YSTERS, KOH COCKTAILS fc-« lrn | i i Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-cl«ss Batbmg Hesort h.is l>een eult»rged and is now o(h.*u to the public. It is the best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and tbero is no better plaee to lay oH. Special aeeommtxlations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half bourand l on Saturd«yg and Sundays every bfteou minutes. e. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. LANDS AT AUCTI0N. By virtue of an order issue<l ' by the Court through the Chief , Jnatice, Hon. A. F. Judd, in repanl to tbe Case of WILLIAM WATSON et al. against Davul Walaon, tbere will l>e so!d at Public Aoeiion, at the Aueiion Booms of James F. Moivan. at 1*2 o’eloek noon. on SATUKDAY Aprii *28, All those pre- * mises sitnated at Knneohe, Koolaupoko, Oahu; and raore particnlarly designated as folIows, to wit: IiOT 1 3.80-ltX) acres Lor ‘2 421 “ j Lot 3 ; 37.5H> “ Lot 4 7.3ō •* All are j>arts of Royal Patent 174 to Paul F. Maniui. Lot 5 ‘20 acros Lc>t 6 ‘20 ** Lot 7 20 •• Lot 8 54.50 “ Lot i) 54.50 “ All are parts of those premises ! conveye«.i by Kamehameha IV. to David Watson, by deed dated lX»c. *20. 1S<>*2, and reconled in Lil>er 16. p»ges 127 aud 1*28. Title |>erfect. l)etHis at ihe expenses of the Purchas*>is. For further f>articulars «pply to WiLUAM e. Aohi, Attorney for ! tbe Commissioner, or to S. M KAAHKAI. ('ommissioner. Honolulu, Feb. 23.18*J4. )IORT<M(< i:i.N \OTICF UF lOUKn.OM K»;, le ac\\vsl*oof tb« jvfT>Tv««ioB» of » ,vrtun M auuW bv LOSE OPi'PELE «jkI B. K NAMAEL So SAlirEL C. I>WU,HT. d»s«.I l«th of P»«- ‘ »r*»r. us Iāb«r 129, iSH. t»,>u,'c •• h«*b? ptfn tb*t Uh M«nimemi* t» fuiwk<M Lba (ut eoo.btx>o* br>>k«*i, «o «ii t>>o p»THi«at o t Pnnci|«! *a J lot«r*t wlna dn«. No«kw m Ukrwru*r pien th»t a tvn tb« «xpu«tKva ot tLrrr Wn t> ftuat tb« dat« of tht» aob<«. tb« p»op«rty o.«sT«y«d br Murt|p»t?F wriil br • l»«rto»d for m!« aīt PsMk AactK>a. «t tb« Au -Uoo Koon of V ik H ’n.klalu, oa MOM>AY, lbr 2Sth i*r of MiKeU. ISM. •t 12 iKva ot «ud d»T. hmbrr |Mtmlar» «aa br b*d of Wi. C. A>tlt, Alfcjra*T «I I«w. l%tr»I Honv4nta. F<4>. 27. 1«4. SAMl’KL C. DWUiHT. Tm*tr*. MorHfn.. «Trmi br tbr aaid M, rt«t«M«] «I : nt Boau)«l«, 12u!da<*0*b«. uwi o»Uiir ;b 1 ■ «iNOlM L*mk d*ted ifitb rhm*TT. IS*1 *nd neūnkwl ia LiW. 131, m U, ewmouii! Mt im <4 2KV !0t>0 *cr*. S«;rw • |W1 <4 tbv-w» pn’aiī—enWl ;* Roj«l PmhiI. No *VK\ L. C A 634i, *o K*lMokrt,v ? r lUkkm. auur3-3t dlj. NoticeD«nM mr tbwi» irai tbw msj hMM LEE POl «4 iba Puwi <4 <«» Vm H«f L«ag Km> u Hwtrtf. •b*U «tlMw «ttb («U p»«f«r «f Aiuw». KWAI VCt3£ UMT* ;*ut, 0*b« M«r Atb. IMK MM >