Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I E P A x W/\F^DED, Aiiheiis» : ‘i v T]i isch Browinjr Co, " init thc p r izo *- r - v AVorl<iV Fair w * h '*** JhIAGL K. Bi*ancT Beer. 5t. \» n> 1 <:< *3L Mes>r.' M u fiei-*ve k O 1. - H«'iK>lala. H I. Z>?-»r 5in -ft e b*re roa * <x>pj of IĪ5<* i* the pre*t »icto»T •on hy the -V" * tvTlox wjth lbetr * EiGLK l5raaJ of Meer. f8ijrtw»n axheuser-hcsh bewixg associatiox. i i- $ .N ~ £ 6 9, % ;* *tSW*'x lu otil‘ > ntij5 this J3«*ot l»e <ure to s».**k for txio LAul.l. l>rttuii. Maelai’lane A: Co„ A t- nt* far Hawuii'm ī$fan i*. Mar. 14- 2nul. PPadelpMa]V[insfrellroiip( OPEKA HOI SE. March Ī7. Houolulu . Huwa iinn Islands. IntfrWut<>r C. H. Coyle. |T. Hoonev, T > )J- Now!s»n»l. Tambos.... , y 0 -y ei ji 60008 ,J. 1). \V e lsh. PHOGUAM M K—P AHT I. Curtain Kaisk*r “01<1 Klaek Jot C.>mpany Opening Chorus... .The P. M. T. s Coūi|tauy Son> r . ... Dollars D«k*s the Business Evety Tiiue W. Shine Song Tolly Comraodore M- C. Cars»»n Song, (eoniie).... Hule Away 1*0 Neill S«»ng. ... No One to Welooine Me Honie.. ..T l.-x'k* 1 Song, (eomie).. . .The Kicking Mul«‘ J. D. W * !-h Sonīr The Mottoes That Ar. Knune»! l |H»n the Wall, E. Cronin Tableau Liberty Enlightening the WorM Inien'al of fnt ntInuh.* —mi >uc by FLA»iSHir’s b.vm*. PART II. The Big F«»ur—Intnxlueing Songs aml Dances ..t. Roonev, J. Welsh, W C. Carson. F O'Neill Colored Ck>g.. .* .......... H I >«hL Stuinp Spei*ch ( • H. Coylo «*hl °rigii. »1 Iri<h Hompipe J a ' Morgan Charaoter S >ngs L. ( n>nin Emenoe ofOId Virgint»y.T. KowkwMhe banpy c»x>n J. \\ »*lsh and (». Fogelstrom m Horizc>ntal Bar I »tfonnance. Feats in Slack Rojx? Walkir.g bv O. F -g« -tn>m Interral of ttn ntinnifs —mi‘sīc by fuagshifs bam>. PART III. ConcIuding witli the side sj»litting Carr. enutl «l. “ THE HMWTEl> HOVSE ' Lamllonl —having roocus to let W . C. ('ar- n Patricius 0’Ca!laghao- ’«x>kuig f»»r a house.T. K« <>n v Jeff JoliD8on -a culond per*>n ( . H. 1 oyle Mrs. Jane Anne 0’HaIIigan l»»»king f>>r a h«>osc ...J D, Webh Glu>st.' C. Adams an«i (’ <’ Kan. The Hawaiian Quintettc has been engag*.**l; in a»Uiiti«xi t»> the Hond <»f ilu Flagslūp. T1,t jh rf.»rman '« |'r)!iiis*s t«> le »>■ »t it n«>t the U>v given in H >n>*lala t*»r y«un. X3T Saie *>f Tickct> will oj»-n at Mr. L J I>» v. y’s ON WEDXBSDAY, Manrh Uth. Curtain n- -at 8 ocI*xrk shaq>.
Hl\kv Co>gd«vs. L H. Califoruia Wine lo. ! j»»cise&> or Wines, Spirits, & Beers. And ia f >tow |He bc* !i«» «iH be carr«.i -> i mW li«* n m« nd «tyle of C\LIFOEMa WINE j dy," *t 407 l'«rt »truel Uelu r- : by B:ock
Again in Town! New New luxtruraental Bami Selections T'ue tD<l Btr*t rwwiwl tfcw s»e»n*?r !!o«oni, are on rxh<bil oo at thd Popular Phonograph Parlors, Arimnt )n Bioek. Holel Stxeet Doo l oiulake th« Lueaiioa. foi9