Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — No Politics In This. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

No Politics In This.

— Fift«*eu years ago. yesteniay. | one of o«»c, :no>t |>o|»nli*r fell«»w citi£ons t«» »k «uto lim self a wife, Tbomas Lums tLe «uan. Tl»e inoi«leut ha«1 uot l»eei» forgotten *ml U>t niyht a go«>«lly numl>«*r «»f the fri«‘mf'« wlu» hold him au>l the wife ii -h "sur|>rise«|*’ hitu an.l *ssiste»l him io makiiī£ iho auoiTorsary p!eas 1 ant it .1 - r«es to be. Mr. anil Mrs Lu«-4s «r«>re “ki.ln'|»|>e«l' or at least ent «>«si a«*V fn>in home aml «rhen they reluru«Hl tbat in«l«»fot»j;itble fneu«l nf tbeir's ”'lK>b” Mo«*re hal m «uupil.ttevl } eten thiag an 1 torne«l j tbeir «l»ays be«otifoi n»sulenoe • ioto a tK>wer for a bri«UI *lō j 1 y»ar»l d>u|>»e, Tbe rooms ao«1 reran«i {»* w« n . | «s)U«lly «Kv«>rat« «l. au«i Ihe wLole plaoe y*s a testnuony |n Ihe 'tiv jl <' whii'h were -h«»rl!\ e«fu>r heKl il b«mor «-f »be eele br«uug |Kiir. The iousio pla\«si the «i*u«*ers t> uohe*! ihe 6oor. •”llob Moon'» lrumj»ets were lo«>k*'«l *l repe*tedly an«l erery »u «u uf th« large b«>ot of frien«ls K ft—wh« o he was (vnuitleJ to 1 ie>\c--«ith ibe «oiemn iulealioo ihal be «ill be back agam ood celebral« I .« "«Iwi v«sdding” «>f Iho iiliio red Uon” leo y«re > lieuoe. M*\ *‘T»mmy'* iikI bk aiuiahle wif« f«vl a» ba)»|>y aud .«» «t« Il wheo Ihe b.»v« eoaie l»roood *ith *'iilt«r” ioaliail ol I * cry*ul m» tbey did haal nigbL