Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 March 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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A HOLIMI rot ĪIlWiU TO »OS EOW; TKE HOLOiU EEmnn» Hawaii - - A rcj> b’ic is now, apnia. Ulk* ed ofT. . ■ ■■ Tl;e * I" Chint«e lieenie bill i« oot %et an ect *ccoisplished. 8 S. AUme<la mili «*il for tbe Colonies at 10 p. m. tLu> ereniQft The P G. bao'i will coocert **» at tbe H iwaiiaa Holel this erening. lri«h »irs will l*e ('ieDtifniIr 4 »npplie<l by tbe G«-rmio b m»l. lomomn The Sij reme Coart will e >mmenee t?ie March term «»n Montl*y n«-xt. Hawttifso statnps are now a tlra«: in the mtrket. «t le\st in Morgan h anelion uiari Cttjit.\iu Neb -n wiil be given a s<>ci.il ftr«*vrellon l>o-iri ?1. • 17. S. S Ada: •» this erening. T. *> lr>i • "1 Cipt Sc!unilt i« K«>ing to c.nrv a bery «>f the fair sex furwanl to “FriHoo” tlmiiig the next week. Money w.»s pk*utifal ye»tenl.»v iu the places \*Iu*re Jack Hih *ro,’ most (Lk?- congrogat**. Old scores were s©ttle«l iu «»ilvt r. Sen»I to the Suus. t 8©ed aml I*Iaut Co. of San Fr«nciseo for one of tbeif exoellont catalognes. Now is the time to plant. ])aviil Boweis Sniith ma.lo his first appeamnee in the h;»lls of j wis'lom : ? ) yesterday afternoon, a« a full pleilgcd CoAncillor. The Hawaiian memhem (or rath»*r member) of the American (?) Leapue will bo e\pect»il at tho Leagae hall this evening. Mr. Emnielulli was the cliHmj»I ion for “popnlar government." in the Cooocils, yestenlay and the oligarchists ?at on hitu. . One ean IiC!»r the music of mau\ uationalities bv a \isit to w w Poj)ulnr Phonograph Parlors, Ariington Block. HoteI streot. Mr. Kodolph L Aueihaek « well, nml favorab!y. koowu nee )untant, of this city. joioed the r.»uks of the Benediets on the 14th inst. H *n. Sam Parker is the proud j»ssoss'»r of a eane given to him by bieut. I! |>ter of the il!-fated Vandaiia l.>*l iu the Sa noan dis a«>ter of l SS‘». ■ The Coanoils di.l uieot yesterday afterooon and j» s,«sl bi ls for a c»ustitotional au*l for Ihe rolief of U»e widow of James Kauhane. —