Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Company.

M*rck 14 1«M The («ct th»t bat th*n one hnn lriH.l p*teofc» havt- l < <>s '.»aed . bv the H*w»iīan Go«rrnment «.ioea noi speak roloMn for the inTeative abīlity «4 tbe nsul«‘nt.< of tbis coualry. Nor *re *!! the patent« to HawmiiaK-» m ny «*f thera, perb«pa * m*]ority, are menely to |»oo|'le in the Tnite«l St:»U' who wi«ih to pruteet tho>r interv>ts all over the *orbl. We bs»ve b:»tl a pntent issueJ f.»r the Jones Locke>l 1 enoe, bec*i«e we s>v that it %<*s * goo«l thin»: aml the peoplo *ho buiki feneee beli6vtnl >t the lH-«>t thingthey hail ever >een. t'ert-»iu I»arties hail in contemplation tho tnanaf«cture of the article> qh»h1 in the Loeke»! Fence, aml v»e elūl not think that an iraitation artiole wonhhhe half a> go<nl as tho original, henee, the palenk on Hawaii. We h *ve been >olling the Jones L-'ekeU Fonce for a year aml its popnlarity is growing evr>rv ilny. As an eviilence of what the Feneo is thougbt of by a gentleraau who is thoroughly well |>ostcd iu oattle aml fences we publish the following letter: ‘ Kapnp.ila ILueh. Kau. Hawaii, Marcb 10, 1S04. E. R. Hcmlry, Es*p, Manager Hawaiian Hanlware Co., Honolula. Doar Sir: I havo just complete<l some three railes of the ‘ Jones Loek Fence” ami raust s«y that I am very raucb pleas«<l with it. in f »ct it is (Af fenco for a iancb. I hml aboat a mile to con>tioct orer 'pahoehoe" where il was nearlv imposaible t«> get a post il-*wn. ami foaml in this case. rs|H'ci »lly, the “Jones fence’’ was a great saving of Lbor. There<»n? plaoe-* in fhis Eenoe where the posts <ire at least 7ō feet «part an.l the sj»ace betw«en fille*.l in with | stags. There is no sag to it and it is a» springy as a wire mattrces. I ani confi lent t!i*t it will turn *nv oniman aloek. I h*ve some two *n<i * haif mile> more to e 'nstmct over » coontry wbere wil»l c*ttle *re very plentifal. aml as soon as it haa umlergone U;e test tbere. will wnte yoo further. If it will taro the stock oo thi> part o( tbe lan<L *mi I foet confi-lent it will. yoa eaa r»-st assored tbat it will tum owt aoythtng, eacept a I.m fiow Very Tru’y Yoor», J. MOXSARKAT. !Th»> shoald eonnne*» the mo»t akeplieal, tl tkere *re people wfac> aiill doabt, iet them e -me to oar r «tore *od i*«{ad * aample. īii 8mi»a mr& 03., »>7 Fort bb««i