Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 63, 16 March 1894 Edition 02 — FOREIGN NEWS. [ARTICLE]
AMEI:ICA\. Politics kille<i three nien, in | Trov N. Y. on tho 6th. Residents of Jotforsonville lnd were chloroformed by wholesale • on the 5th, by bnrglars; a.inerioane. Minen» in West Virgiuia have heeome so lawless that the State troo\>s were caile<l ont to snppr- j ' e»s them. The Hawaiiaus ' Foreign office has an offi»r of assistance from that plaee. A large lot of California canned frnU has l*een rejecte»l by EUatern bayors. The stutf may finJ its way here for the troop«. A deal in sagar in New Vorkoo the 5th caased a great excite- • !nent. The ‘ shorts’* beheving tbey were cornereil trie<l. for a 1 brief period. to cover at any price. Hawaiian planters hare a ; bad fature l>efore Ihem. I Corbett has been acoaitte«i Dea<lwood has again b«en dīstioyed by fire. Tbe Sapr\*aie Conrt of the - Cnite.i 8tates has deculcd that private parties c..*nuot monopolixe tide-lands. Mr. BLsbop of Honolola obj«cts. Whiielaw Rejd and fam:ly are oo the way tc CaHfotnia inenee U> ‘ Hawaii. Gold is increasin$ in tbe C. S. Treaaary. P»x'r Hmil Tb« Presuieul kii!ed aboat thirty dacks. twenty ge«se and a «wan on his late trip. He i« I hea!thv Mr. W. M. C. has a • v * brother sportsmau Gener». J B Earlv a nolenl [ generai is dead On the 8th, Pre«ident Cleve- * land tramunitted addilu>aal facts < on Hawaiian affiairs to IheHooae. * Hawaīi still hva*. |« Ex pres dent Harrisoa and f*m- ( Uj aie in Califortx:a. Tbe U. S. S. Beoainftoo, named ‘ afUr i liUle town m V«rmcoi. w *
00 ita w»t Kilbrr fren Sbctb A«re*nc*. i Tfce 6tabiin» oJfer • «tubbc-na rwi»tec« to the Eagls»h. Tbe Ameneae liaer Citr of P*ris had an flOO.ŌCO dre on hoanl whlle I» dock at Btrk«nbe*d. fccg,acd GLd«tone ha« hmiehial c*>reb acd h» re« oa aco>cnt nf o«RebrrT n r w jre".-rof K r -f~ i*nd. Tbe firet C.biiKt Omoeil w»s lnld on lher*;h- Tbe Cabioet i» u folio*«: R«>s*hery. pn*aii-*r" K»r! of KimberlT, foreign Ri Hoo. Hsnrr Kewler, I- d an; T. F. Etli«. > c*t Tre«« rv J. \l.rlev, s*-c'y fbr Ire'»r>d. H .rc*urt i* Ch»r cel’or of Lxcfc-»j'4--r. l’*rliamei.t wa» pr«>r«>oi»d oo th« ōlh inst and tfce K >t»1 spe- ch and w -s on T ftfte-a ti!j»-# in length. ms« rxio\Eocs. Oeneral Grespo is Pre-*ident of Vene*ue!a. The Sj an -h cabin«-t has resigned. The Q ieeu has dii&#>I a new preraier Tbe Le»lth of Kossnth. the note»l p»triot, fno friend to Whitney) is improving. The «*x chsef of p>!K’e of Paris has lhree du*Is on hand. Th>* H->iiduriin war is e«id -d and B >nilla i« in p wcr. The I.i'o- ri! party n. s vicl nooa in the Oniieau eleeli ns. It is reporte»l the Hn»ziiian insurgents have boen «ltfeat«*d at Sar;imli, losiug 4'.H) kille«l, boside many priaoners aud guns. Jesuits are to be exj>ell«Hl from Meieo. Business was very generally suspended for a short tirae immediately prece«ling the arrival of the Alameda, in port, t«xlay. A. J. Clark. one of the crew uf the wh«ler Belvidere. at \ re-ent otl port. is to have been 1' st frorn a boat s crew on Feb, 19th, whilo the whaler «vas otl Hawaii. A large sj>erm 1 whale had becn fa>teue«l to. by the boat. (secoad mate’s) au«l m the flurry of the wiiale t!ie l»ont was overturned aml the cre\v spill«Kl into the water. £xoepl Ciark, all were resoue«l. j Tho stoamer Likelik-' has been examined by divers to a>certain the extent of injur:os snstaiued 1 in her late contact with the rocks. The inspection «lis»*lose«l that the ! «iamage was not snffioient to have her “railroaded.”