Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 March 1894 Edition 02 — A BIT OF HISTGRY. [ARTICLE]

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For the Cosideration of ihe Immaculate Hawaiau ProTis;oaaI Gk>rernment. In Br»z»I it bas l>een ostensibly Imh-n a figbt hetween the s ilor aoil the soldier. »uJ tbe *.« lor bas won. if tbe n*sigi:stion of M «rsh«i Flori -*no PiēX to fies lii» ackn<•»le«lgtD»'nt «>f «leand, the ste|»i>*n<; ash> re »nd into hi> sht*es of .-idm:ral C>iSt«xiio de Mello. i’e!x<>to uas f»iled as i>a!maceda f«il»-d in Cbili. He was trvinp to sot op a d>ctatorsbip. It is tbe w.«v with these iuost professing rai abhcaus Tbe man of extren»e vie«s mav be f airlv suspect d. in ninetv nine , cases out of tbe hundred. to be an estivmist. bec«nse it anp rs • n hiui 1 1 s"e s<>aie ene else oxercis ing powers be w«>uld like to ra no , jk>I ze. He pre.«cbes freedom in onlor to heeome » tyrant. Whenev«r bis o|>portun.ty c>->raes tlie extr uust in olliee is foond to be m>>st intoleraut of crīticism or o|>js>sition. He is ont «>f teni|H*r with evervone be donbts. ,-Eve- | rv«>ne opj>osed to tbe wishes <>f Pe;sotu wis at onee braoded bv tbe g>)veruinent press as a 8ebas t ano or MonHrcbist.” Peixoto obti«iiied poaaeaaioo of tbe cbief ex«-cutive oflioo ou the resignaj tion «f De«KlosH F>>nsec«, tbe first President after the deposit on of tbe Emperur Don Pet’ro He had views, nnd to carrv theni out. j>nt bi& own men into ; I everv position of auth<ntv. He 1 took Mello aod 8©raedollo u« ,nth hiio, exjH?cting tbeir fu 11 eo- i oj>er.,tion. Bnt t;ie two men wer*.* pnre Repnblicans. men %« bo ! bad f«ith in tbe princij>ies, t »ey ; beld, »n>l knew that ;>ricct>!es * likv s»eds in the gr*>un>l. c>uid b>* l«-ft to take c«re <>f tbea>se vhs. Wl.en they d;scovere«l l’eix to to to be self willed an<l noaempalons tbey witbdrew, to be <le- ■ nouuce«i and ab<ise«l as j>u.>lic enem>es. A centnn- earlier tbev woa?d bavo been gaillotw.ed. { Under »trict radiealisro. donbt an<l hesītati<>n nre int<»ler ble vices. Tben as in Chili the figbt to a bead between tbe Lepis’Hture and the chief of M>e j Execntīve. Tbe eleelion f<>r ti>e Presideucy was approacliing. »nd the passed a bill de cluring tbat no candid«le sbrnld be eligible who was in odice witbin six montbs of tb« j>ollir,gday. Peixoto who w«s reso!ve«l to l>o eiecte«l. anw tbai he mnst eith*r res>gn or los»« ••conlr d" I over the j>olling whieh w<<nld then be free, cr veto the bill and maint.-«in his «lict <torship. He vet*>etl the bill and so j>recipitated the revo t. There h«s beenao exj>ens ve. wastmg. fo«>l:sh war ot»t qnrstioos wttieh. in a miliv free cooutiy, wo*dd bave be«*n left to tbo decis»oD of tue bai!otbox Tb« woa!d be dict«b.r. to bold his o*n. most wiien he 1 app**nls to «rms. win «M along ta«* 1 line and d.nle tbe peo>'e. M Peiioio ba« oot won-there haa , beeano«laizling. Oa tb» eontrsry j lbe pohhe b«* beeo >exed aod di*g isleJ —J7,< JuViu' iji,ia. i