Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 March 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPOKDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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Holomua: • It h .s rnc re than a year ‘u e‘>nvince the nsnr]H*rs thnl the Imenean peuple «i!l nnt be ae•essories to fiiil*usterinf». The AniexRti<*niats «t l>*st f;ive np the elea of getling the l'uileU States to pres j nt thera w.th an ar<ny and i«vy to maintain their nnlawfol issuiu ti<>n of autbority in these s!hdi1- whioh tbey were em*bled | :<> begin with the connivance of a j <Iinist *r of the United States. ! he so «ner tho penple of Haw»ii *ko their atf<irsinto their own i »mls • l»e better for the islamls. •><> long as they perrait nsurj>ers ke D<>le and Tl«nrston aml sd i ventan?rs like W«lterO. S'»ith > adroiuister their affsirs. they vill hiv«» no peaee They sbou!d leraar.«l the right to vote fivelv •n»dtfiuite pn>>v*s«l of Consti>ition 1 aml represeotatire govmm it: and sboo!d make tbe >surpe •* accept the pesult of tbe **>lli'>g. The present plan of •ppoin: : ng the roerabers of tbe *xecot ve *nd Adv»ory C>uociis «s deleg«tes (wilhonl cons* nt of ’.he pe-'ple) lo sucb Conststutioo*l

*onTen:ĪMn, shows ooly too pUiov. ho» the o#nr|x>rs nro(Kwe to •ontr>l *nch conrent on. Tbe \«erif»o people «ict HmiŪDS o fT»Ti»nji Hsw«īi Americ«D<i »oT»rn tbe lTn*ted St»te«. Onee a •*K't »ra »te »s n*guUrlv sUbl'?h«l bere the f»Tmpathj cf \be Afj-ric-»n people will be »>»K$taoiU) iD(l «t1ectoal in it» :

<apport. No specisl p)ea«ling by Oole, or intrigninc br Thnrston. *«n »1 >r the «leleminalion oi be or%- «be!ming msss of Amer ; c«as t-? h»re oothiog to d« 1 The of Ha T»ii M ia the hands of its people. Wher inTestīgat.oo beg«n at isbi’» ’t.»n it v« aol»ipated •nd p«!tl cied by aany A»nerC*w tii«l cooT;oc«ng e«iJeoce ■ von’d ix* f.>rthc.*aj Qg to shov -b«t M-nist«r Bt«reiu acted dis-1 •reeUv aad only io »he intere«t *f A»er ean l?f» *nd r>«r«p*rtr. rhe nsi.it wf iLe itT«M!'g«:.ua m >bat h s eoau .ct b*s been eoa- j ,»islily «rtabitah«d as oaiavfal

•ab : ifc : 'g »b4 *h« ATwr>e*w • *r> rr t!at |far> ti»e tc3 et su;b a aue. t- *v sbou 1 haie iy«Qn ie - piri io a pr e-ediag >n boi.i *J-d>ace lo tk«»r Coost tat:oa a&d •w§ An aex>tioa ts iopoā«ible; asoex«tiooisfa now coofews tbe trctb. tm»rlew will keep her b*c.ls off the ii!»ndi Let Hawsū*ns ruie HawaiL A Tsrt Awir»v.