Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 March 1894 Edition 02 — The Italian Scheme. [ARTICLE]

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The Italian Scheme.

Aml now comes the AJtrrti*e. with n pr<>poeilioo. thnl w. *boahl uu;»ort llnlun Uboivrs «Bil tt )>ubttsbiM • vi*n Umplm) iookicg )ist of wnges )v»ul lo tb* lnboriUi; eln«nes in Itnlj. Th* norniug ptper~il hooest—sboat. nlso pnot a iist of tbe r«tes o l«Ting in tae mom coootry, per h«p* it wi l theo be M*n. that i is unfc.ir aud certn>n y »tapij ». cbang.‘ lulino money ioto Ata«r | iea, aod preteod tbnt tbe mia< , «bich thry respeetn«ly repr« seot m purcbaa«b« gooda ar eqanl. The eonditioos are U>. v«me in It»tv «* tbey are inolhei Eur»prun coutitnra. At om, time a uataber ot N >rvrguo nod G!*m«oi ven mdooed t* oome lo H«vaiu Tbejr ver\ , told tbat their paj voald be ali j tbe «av from 50 to 100 krun»r J«r *»*-£ a uoolh. $13 to f30. . beaidm» L>aiiig foaod. Aa fatot 1« - s • I how uwUfid m Nor«nay «til{j m sbs3BBkēb^sbBKsS

: • --- III ’> • ' '• •'-•l U>' »fe«TE *l 9 »g x . f ,,- H». vtiba b'T(>rMBee: r - t rs» fci»ghlT tewpt.‘r • ac«i qw:b> * nt&brr lclt tli«.r booti *i«i hamni oat in the •! staot Ei«i r»do. Wa«t •»s tb« re*o!t ! X <ey oono Uēd. tt al tb«5 W«ra b«ttor off »t hotc*» with $40 3 ve*r tb*n īn with $15 rr 1*30 % moDtb. At»! tb«o t; er becaae dis-vat s*j«!. 3U<1 tfaere w« c-»o st*nt tr ob!e and toooy itfe. Tbe w«ge» w uicb «n; jmi«1 in E rope * iw uo cr ter»»>a t>» g>i bv wfaer» tbe qoe li«n i» to p*t l*borers {«•r Havsii. An E- giish v<.»urigst«r who is oāf.-re*l iiiOO * ve»r to go to Hnwoii js clerk thinks tbat he hae etroek h e»»A «nap—annl he pa«»ei« l)'*rr>ond Head aod lesrne th »t wilh 1500. a vear, | he c*n h rdiy p*y h«s b«rd biil ieare »l«:ne lo iive in comf rt. If ‘ luli««e »re induced l>i euue b»-re ihe tru;h and tbe who!e trulh ! ««b«»uM oe t«»id thc n bef-r“ lhev drcidetu !e3Veti»eīr ti.mi-s. If n-«t il.ene w;Ii be tr *ub e uf a ra«'re scriuas char-vl* r Ihan kn >wn I nt-re K f >re. Tne Itili«n§ are <f a r*ce th:it do not t ike deopti<>n as a j»>.e and v- ry l '?!y i cust >Ui«T<. Best-!e« this we d<» not e »nsider it advis-«b!e to irap>rt i»ny m«»re i»nor a nt, filthy cnm'niiiy ineline.i c!a»s**s ihau we «’re»dy have m our midst. Ar.d 'vhTe ire the «iuall fir.uen« of > whoni V hear so nmeh? Have ihe Norw»gian», «>r G-rraans, or i*>>rii!gii‘»e co!itr >ct—I ib»r.'S b — c>>mee>3«ll fariners? No, md«-ed! ra >»t f them have t'irnt-d lheir b«ca§ on Mawaii and cie:'red out >ith their l;t*le savi e a§ a>Ton as lheir c>ntrscts expired The ‘S'n»l! f irm” th°»>rv is explcded. I Everv practical nnn who knows. the co>mtry, aml the markets in it. tnuws rh:»l there is n>> fut>ire f»r he ānill fanner h«*re. If the ■e>>ple »h.i pr>te s>» moeh ab»ut t*»e f»n ; II f>rms w<>uld e >me out iubl e .* m>t in ge> en!ities. but <;>ec ti * >Hv st'le/«o«r a man wil’h ! * J «•ery ';tlle oipilil em make a , ■«mall f'rmpayi>>. Kula Maui,oron !a«r.ir, he will d> s »me goodby heiping t*> disp' 1 an illuaion hieh i.‘ v* r ean b-c aie tangib!e. '