Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — A Serious Outlook. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

A Serious Outlook.

lf the AVilson taritf biil becomes law, whieh be eonsider«. J ft st ttl-d faot, a dnty ol one coat pr. pouiul of sng;ir will lu> imp «ed. The bill morenvei prec nlencc .f a l tro«hes 'aiul Hi »nun sngir will shortl\ be treated equally with the prodnce of other conntries. Mr. Cleveland will not entertain am friendli f«eling tow«rd.H the fj.»v einmoui of Hawaii. whieh h.i> defied aiul insulteil him. and whieh has plaee.l him iu a ven unenviab!e position. lle wih i rertal iat. by lettii g tIie Kecipro city drop and H .waiian sngar p!.mt 'is take their chauoes witl other producers in the world—- : and ahat will bo the tvsult iliwaii.in sngar is sold uud.-i eoninel to C>aus Sj reckels fo: the n«*xt, three, or foar years. I is dehvertd in San Francisco t< the refiuers *fter all charges bav« heen paid at tho price qootcd n Loiul >u aud New Vork. Tb* doty whieh wiil be imfH>se<i uiuler the \ViIsum bill will nieai tii«t the plauters will bave t< j p»y ou eaeh t >n, Neside- th« pre«u« it charge«, l>efore the »nga a dehvered atid it is uot diflicuii to prophesy wh >t tbe re3ult wil be. Tutal ruin to the suga iudustry n Hiwiii iae<us tola ruin to Haw.ni and it wdl b reuienbered that the eomin» disaster is sulely due to tb< small clique of selfi*b and *ro bitious oen wbo. t»g» n their own ouds, cre«ted the c<>ud.tion whieh now act as a boomeraiq «nd crush them but ali.