Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
C i e n o ra 1 rl ve r t i se rn e n t n ORDWAY A PORTER. Uobm*m B ! ■ ■ : ; E&t- JrM F»t« vd. |u li!« ■! t i ■ ‘f • f • ?’i 11 » { Fl’K J i VI.E E'* r In j» rt* ū *»• t ;> C« m lr\. C o>| r.> ng iHandscm9 Carved Bedroom S:ts In Solid Onk. rj. ,A' L \TFSTPiS1GSS. ESpE( IA L ATTESTK»S 1 b C ALLED T\ i T ES E SETS WIOKLEPl WAHE, Beaut f<■! 1>- s f W.ek r Wan». eou«ist rg of |SOFAS, CtiAlliS. KuCKKI.S ,t v« u r;»u g«t ti»fM* iu ?n\ tTM."H ymi »ies;ro. CHAIRS, CountIess nuinl)ers of CHAIl«s. ;ti i*very style, including OFFICI. »r.l Hllill l ll.llM taelts, We have liail a nuniln r of cills f.>r these Tabh*s. with CHAIKS t uiatch. \N e ha\e now iu stock the I BEiUTIFUL DINISG R30iVI FU3NITURE EVEK SEEX HEKE. Sideboards and -;- Cliiffoniers In Great V.«r ety. 2D I I*0T S , D vans covervd « >th POKTlERS ,ire becomiug q lil»* the rage in }>l«ce o! LOVNGES »" mnnufacture theio to onler, and have ■ la;ge stock of i'UKTIERS to ct from. BEBEIITCGre t Assortment< fWOVL\ V\ IKE MATTRESSES —Sj>ring. IL<ir, \I>>ss. W< ol and Straw M.ittre-'<■ > <>n haii.l :<nd nimle to or<Ier. L1VE GEKSK FEATHERS o>d SILK FLOSS for 1M ow> CRIBS. CKADLES. eio. W1ND0W SHADLS <*f all colors and siz s. COKnICE FJI.es. iu wood or br vs trimmings. Ī3 E PA IBI1TG-. Mattrosses, Lounges an*l all V|>holstered Furuiture rej\aire»l at r< asoeable r. tes. CABINET MAKIN'O. iu all its l>otnches. by C >mi\ea.*r t W.*rkmen MATTING LA D *< d Int riur Decor li g oi.der tbe Supenr > ou of Mr. GEoKGfc OKDWAY. Onr G»>ixls re F r>i C1 ss. aod ■ ur |>rices «re t’>e lowest Come <nd be c nvinced —a tn l is > bc ted. Be ! 525 TELErhoX• 8; Mut al Wō OKDW.\Y A FOKTEK K bmson Bu ck. Wlween Fort aud Nooanu AT THE CLUB STABLES. “ CREOLE,” 21,702. Race Record: FourtIi Heat 2:15. Made at Stockton, Cal. Sept. 23. 1893. S ir. Ptt t i ,W> Lv Pl r B-ā’, 75; l>-m, Oru*. Pr tcp?« ' t* tk -ī r* ol Aj»; ii*". fn: ■ *. - •-■',• - -• *. •-» ;«ca «f ibe l>.«s» Im'i *>>Lar. 17 ni ( M. ī *> "L«fos «" «• w I4.c«. »«* fc tr\ . «hil» f.*ot ud iiuil *Xr }<• ia !.*(•. \1 > l.0ō« ponul*; s rtty .ITL*h. (SOli<, » k - pl*id , ‘iTt ltbi m g**se IW ‘> r>*. Ulil «uol t*f * blb 1*.i bOCD*'<T Ol OlW *t Fin V k Vi IMLlA*»!» FV»K THE S AS>*V. p *r»N» »s Uom t4 «niA. Tla» inw •m» l*rvi la IS?i lo f->rtj*w\ ul.»»■* it'i *rl t rly-t»a t>- u feb 17 -1 m IX II DAV1S. . - E. 8( Bf^o IMFORTEKS AND DE.\LElhS IN Groceri^» 3?ruvisions A5D Feecl, EAST CORNEK F0RTA KING STsi. New 6oods Rec’d Ey erery P«cket fr *ra the Ea»iern 8ute« and Euiope. Fre*h Oaliiomi* Produce by erery steamer. AII orders (aiihluiW at;ecded to, «nd Go*-ds <lelĪTere»i to aay p*rt ot the oi»y FC£E OF CHAJ1GEW«xl Or lcn S »licibivl Sat d*rtion 0uar»ctc‘'d PoU Ofioe iku Nv». ihi, No- 92.