Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Anchor-:-Saloon I •» Kx AUSTRALIA." ! Anotber Inr«ce of tLe WtriJ PU:owced 1 Fredericksburg Lager Beer O Oo draa£bt »nd bv tbe keg. AIsq, a» a Specialtv, S VALL FRESH CAUF0RNIA 0YSTERS, FOU C()CKTAILS fc22 lm ( Long Brancli BATHING Establishment. This Firs{ cli«ss D«thinf» Resort h » In-en enU«rged aml is now ni«en t<» the ]iublio. h is the best p'<i«'e <m tue islfimls to enjov a bath »n 1 there is no better plaee to 1iv uH. Sjioc'uil aeeomra<xlntions for LaJies. Trauicars pass the il<>or ••ven- half ho' r aml j on Suturd iys aiul Sumlays every fifteeu iuiautes. C. J. SHERV/OOD Proprietor. LANDS AT AUCTI0N. — By virtoe <•! an onler issnetl ' by the t’('nrt throngh the Chief •Instice. H n. A. F. .10(1(1. in | reg«rd to the Case of WILLIAM WATSON’ et al. »g«inst Dav:d i W»ison, there wili bo s<>ul «t j Pohlio Acction, at tho Anction Kooms of -I imea F. M«*rgan at 12 o’eloek uoon. on SATCRDAY Ai rii 28, 1894. All those pre- ‘ uiist's situate(l at Kaneohe. K<>olau|H>ko, Oahu; and niore particul«rlv dosignated «s i*ollows. to wit: Lot I 3.80 100 acres | L«t 2.. . 421 “ Lot 3 37.96 “ Lot 4 7.35 “ Ail are p«rts of Royal Patent 174 to Paol F. Muuini. Lot 5 20acres Lot 6 20 “ Lot 7 20 “ Lot 8 54.50 “ Lot 9 54 50 “ All are paris of those premises ' conveyed bv Kamehameha IV. to DaviJ \V«taou, by ileeil diU*d lVc. 29, 1862. nml recor*led in 1 il*er 16. |> g ‘s 127 uud 128. Tit!e prrfrtt Drt(l* «t tho exj'>ens<'s of tho Ptirch«sers, For further p.srtic«ilars apply *o Willia* C Aoai, Attoruey for the Com0issiuoer, or to S. M. KAAl KAI C«»iun>issionor. Honoluh» Feh. 23. 1894. noKT(;u;n:*i \otkt; OI F0ltbl'L08riE, Ib .»«•• »:*k • c*ru;n M miW L< >SK (*PCVLLV, I! K NAMAKĀ. «o «AMHEL C. I>W|(JHT. Tr* du»l I6*A >4 Fwkr*(T. IWi t»o nl*»! in bb»r 12». | 4SS. MXM» !» la* pt«» Uui tbr Hvr\p\#re intruhi I <wi *• tb<» tM*r for ewo•i;ta.it» bti>kw, W wtt: m |mim«I o( i Pnnnpal tt*l »Sxrr >!*»*. \*hkv » ltk.*<n<*r jr-.m th«l >fw tbt> upnlhM u( tkrv« inrb fn>B» Uw i*t» ot Ut> MMH». lk* t*fVp*rlT r SJTTT*»I bt MU*1 HoHpMk* *Ui b* »iT*rts»*d Iv-r u* a hiWe Aea»>ti, ti lt* Atrtwe K>xsn ct J *TG* p MAkU5, ttt OB MO\ DAT. »h* ‘.WU: of U AKi H isSki, a 12 »*»« «t •*»-! >ut. Fttrtbv p*n.««tar. «u br AW oi Vk. C. A* mi, Alkmrr *t U*. I*a<d Fch r, S.VMl iX C, PWKiHT. Tnt*i**. Aii-n^>.fx. Tbe |ne*M ti>t«»*i by tk» «»ai stutnl *t H >»4»U Ūie>) k.4 eWka. ud #<* j*nicuUny .Wrri»l ia lN»t c( F. U«tV*tt. h> «eil L*X» Opapei*. *i*»rvi «4 ftl»sirT. !S»1 ju»J <w»rW k Lt»r. I3K, W. <-.■■« iautu*£ ktt um ■•! 2I> liA» Mt* W; • p»rt «4 »W?» »«»»»» otM ŪK'ni P*h*ot, S*>. 1*SA L. C. / •2i\ W iufan>iriiN iw» Kwiilāl. IN’olieeD»htt« bt iWmm* faca Ukk mj Muw LLK K)l c4 «W Pu» >«» \m t>ep tat>| kw u W»mh», UtL*. »kmii <*ut IkUpo<*«roi Ai*rwy. KW4I VUtX 0f WWa Ohk». lAM-