Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 March 1894 Edition 02 — Correpondence. [ARTICLE]

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[We <to not holi! onrselTes re-ipon«ihle foi ib- o|ūni«*n« or Ihe utt«rances of our <x>rrespon ’.enu.) Edito« Holoxca: I see so mueh raention in the annex>itioQ pa}>ers of a Sanator M rgm. Wh «t M *rg)n ' Whv that ren*'gHd** Senat-»r fr*>m Ala baraa who hus atterapted to foaI i his’ own nest by showing pettv 1 spite «gaiust Grover Clevel«nd the ideil of Deraocncy. Cun y.*n te!i me Mr. Editor. when t!us Judus* tenn as Sonator frora the State he raisrepresents is up’ I woaUl lik- to het ten to one ! that he ean‘1 be re-elected as the ; De>noorat o p«rty toler »to no B *ne>l ct Arnolds in their ranks Mi. Edit-»r I »m un Amenean citize«i. a voter an 1 h »ve voted iu Presidential elections whieh j three-q>iarters of our pieaeni dts potic rulers have not. Dejioceat. —