Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 March 1894 Edition 02 — The Silent Men. [ARTICLE]
The Silent Men.
“l ~- ifi secta« ’•» ■ >■/ * I » , hfW ty men »!io nriSl aoī nj^n *td w pb* t**gT»pb!cal1y' npokeo are or«ten All »ew »orricd orer Bioant. «n>l now the A‘ittrti*er w Wi lt#, We b<«itste in ic«:naating *nrtking bnt we «re inc!ioeJ be Iw tbat the ret eenee of Ihe ■ ffict kls so!e!%‘Ja* to tbe onq >rl 6 (h! tw of Oy<t-r C fr >ai Conniogham’s s-t!ooni Thank tbe thrre «re on*y » fc* t n* left <n l th*» “diplomacy" e m t haretbem «II. "Co*PU«vraT’’ c *ncert i« gami. Conif»’.ira»olR presentc»l in itiol!arsarf w<nth havmg aml no < ne sbooM l»e a t*i>ter or tornei 1 in avoi«I:ug ackac*w;<Jge ment t>f tiu* Miue. Ir i- stat<d in the ’ Tī$tr that the 8ecretary of the J<H*key Clnb iulemle t > rcs.ign. If all of th>ifficen< resigned a«ul alio«e<l ‘*troe l»lue ’ homemen iu tho r»iig | t woohl he beoeficial to tbe Jockey Clnb. . The Conncil« «re “in t’;;e ; s«im" t*» gether. tlns «fternoon. The «lel<»y m urrival i»f the Alaiuefla will prt»bably t*>iu|ier their | wimls towurd the shorn lutubs of Hawaii. An extontlrtl noiiee of tho 0 tDD9* lecture was prevented b\ the usu;«l press courtisies being K oraitttHi ontil t>o lato an honr tu be tuutle avail .hle. “Krps" captoring powtler from the Provisiooul Government nngiziuo «nd tben ln*ing d>s- ; charged with a reprimmd. is »«n | t*xcellent exhibition of the b!ood tl)irst\ spirit of t!)0 Hawaii,«ns and tho abilityof the P. G’s. j to !ook out f<»r the lives und pn> perty of the good c tizens of Honolula.