Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 Malaki 1894 Edition 02 — LOCAl NEWS. [ARTICLE]
!J-.rr»l*' fi-r tbeSoi»d*y bio i coBcert». Th« Coancil« are in ses?ion this »(u*n>ooa. Col. S«m Norrii> i* *c*in 5n * to»n. ri* lL«*te«o»er W. G. H»ll. The ste%mer« fram «in«iw«rJ n»ported th«t the Voic*no U rery *cli\e. TL‘* wreck of tbe barkentine Hi>o wi.il' - t lt..m >n » vnne* *here. • T; ■ T< - ” rai «th»- >' >r «.m it' n<>t'il F< ni.»n atf:uity. Haruioi»y «ith * hatcuct. The Holohua *«s Da»TOidtWy «1 tain«-«l fr<*tn the M>>iiuiu rccept oo yesteni * y, Tho *yn<l c te of pbil»»telietR «re exf«cte»l t<> ohUin * pointer «n ihe uiail l>«c tciulcrs. A> Tue ret irnH frora the Kiwai» hao l«ntern *ho« «f Lomi >u’ bare not ytt been n*f>ortcHi. ‘T),»g«-> «r<* «i<-- re<l as l.tb"*rer*<. 1 ti<* no nl of the M .tii s«*»-in» to havo been f«<rg >ttea. Mr. J. W lU*r Preston in tbe author »>f ttie well writlen articl« «n O.iha Jail, in this niorning ?» ’7Wr. The perform*uce at the Kawaialiao church tl»is evening will be n«t f r tiio heuftit of ti»e S.*rain«iy. J*f)*neso b*TO start<nl a new source >>f ind<»stry iu j»awnbrok ing wiv»,*s ur*3 now tbo moviug | uiatvri.il. The Pele saile*l f«r K <nai j>ort.s last eT«>ning aml the Wainleale f«r j> rts »>u Hawaii auJ Maui this 0Teuing. Tho Boartl »»f Hcalth »li>l raeet v«*st rd »y '*ftern<>on. No husi nesv «f mneh f>ub!ic importanco was transucted. i ,r ,r ' ' " ' Tl»e weatherto»l <y isvety wann. . usa*le p!easant however by the usual trnde wimls fr»>u N. K. The Leugue tl ig is tiyiug. Mr S M D.»mon is reporled to h«ve given a very exc dlent spoeimeu of >»n H.iw.iiian lu*n «t hi-« gon gu »rded f»re(oises, »t Monua lu», vesterd V. ' The Japauese binl !imer is sti!l *>iig'»g«'d in his onde.»vor to capiur<' dnninutive r;ce binls and uem*r »l!y li:»s * cn>wd of 's»naU | boy ' epectators. N» s>gns < f the AUmeh, fr«m S*n Fr.«ncisro, as tho Holomi'\ g«*s t > j>ress. Proj>hets prediet I) »d weather on the Atlant»c 'ide, as cause f»»r the »ieUy. There is pr*j*peots of P.»st >r Conha. of the Ceutral Union, adding. m tho ne»r fatare. to hi* ri g»llorv. vi»rious »lerice« in n>s w<Hxl whieh will p!e*se aml interest the f»H>tsoiv or tbirstv l»iigruu. A *x>oipstent taraer will probabiy be eng.»g*Hl. 0apt LeeB»Uister the former c->mn» .nd«*r »»< the wrvcke»)b»rk Hilo». *ccomfH»m«*»l by h:s wif«ml ehiul *rrtve»l iu this city y« st**nlvy *ft»ninoa fn>ra Hawa i bv ste*»wer W. O- H»II. The j * eapiiin says he w*s * few anim of hi> rrckonii;g. but tbe n>g t being d*rk *ml ear v moruing !bemg h*iy the da.>ger w.*s oulv lts»cov«re«l wheu t’i» v.<»*l w«s Oo Ihe e*lg*» of the breaker» C«nsu g«n r»I M<lls is tnveatig«t»ng the m«tter. The Le«ga> is «}>ortrd lo be. ap. in «nus, on aeeounl »»f the d»l*tonncws of tbe P. C».*s in i pr *cUiaiing M*rrb 17th «» a • pukhe h U«L»y. Tbey. r*gblful y ela» 01 it is tbe houomi day of th«ir p*tron S»u»t Thw th*l the P. O. h*d Uwir cvl br«lion on * seveot«eolh *od tbey, the L**agiie, w«nt th«ir'a on i ! «n»\ -nueuth Hawaiuna wdl | eelebr«te «s oaoal in bouor of IKaeaehanieh* whI Hoa- J. Aeummiua