Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 62, 15 March 1894 Edition 02 — Hawaiian Hardware Company. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Company.
Mareh I* 18M The fact that bot !css tban one bundred patents have l>eeo i>soe\l bv tbe Hawaiian (l\)vernm«nt d.H>s not speak v*>!uiucs f>r tbe invent*ve abi!ity ol tfae res;d«nts 'i ot tbis coai*tn*. Nor »r» all tbe patents to H*waiiau> m r. v *. f tfaeui. perhaps a raaj>r;ty. are mere!y to {HH*{ !e in tfae Uaitod 8tatos who wish to pr< l< , *'t Uieir iutervsls all over the world. We bave bad a pst->nt t>>u»h1 for tbo Jones Lnekwl Fence. bocause we saw tbat it w.»s a g»od thing. and tho {»ople wlio build fence» believed it the b* * thing they had e\<*r se« u. Cert«in parties had in contomp!atioo the mannfacture of the art:cle> use*l in the LaK'ke.1 Fence, aud we d*d not think that !U imitation article woofal be half as go«nl as tlie originai, henee. the pateut on Hawaii. We h*ve been selling the Jooes Locked Fence for a year and its i*opularitv is growing \ evcrv day. As an evidenco of what the Fence is thonght of by a g»ntlem»«n who is thorooghly well {M>sted in caltle and fences we publish the follow iug lettor: — I ✓ “Kapapala R,ncb. Kau. H »waii. Marcb 10, 1894, E. R. Hendry, E>*{., Manager Hawaiian H«n1ware Co., Honoluln. Dear Sir 1 havo jnst c«)rap!ete«l s*)tne three miles of tfae * Jones Loek Fence” and rausts«y that I am very mueh plensed with it. in fact it ls tl*e fence for a iarch. I ha«l about a mile to constract uv< r I “i>alioehoe” where it was nearly irn{>ossible to g«>t a {X>st «lown. and fooud in tbis o*>e, especi;«llv, the “Jones fence * was a gre.-»t ! saviog of Ubor. Thereare plaeen in (his Fence wl»ere tfae {x»ts are at le«st 75 f*«et apart and the | space betweeu 6lle*l in with stags. Ther« i* no <or »to it. aml it isasspringy as a wire mattre«a I am confi lent tbat it will turn
any onlinan stook. I bavc *ome two and a ha’f oiile4 ra»re to construcl over a coaotry where wdd Cittle are very plenttfnl,l and w aoon as it haa andergone the te«t there, will wn!e farther. If it wīll torn tbe sUn-k 'l oo this pnrt of tbe knd. aod I feel con&ient it will. you ean re»t aasnrvd thst it will tam mo-{ an} tbiog, eieep! a Lava dow.
? A ery Tra y Yoors. 3 monsar;ut :i ! ’ 1 j Ths sbo»ld cooTioce tbe mo«t , I «kepiieal, i( iben> «re people vbo still doabt, let ihem e* me lo oor store and Ui- pe. t « sau^le. j, I !tr Haiii: Hirirot cl 307 Fort Streei