Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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fWe tlo hoM onriei»-s for tbr opmioUA or ths d!I<tu«« of t*if ; corre»('otiienU.] Edjtc-I{ IIoLoim: lt is uulieeomin" in anv n»an to praise fc r.isel! far hia £nodnees, I liberalitv, b€n?vofc»ture, achicveraents 01 otfcer virtnes ar l ad-' raota c 'es whieh fce may fcave been farc»red w;tfc by tfce Almight\'. It »s not fce tfcat is to ealogize tfcose virtnes. for peoplo will nc-ver f iil to lnatUttze the pood qoalities of their fellow- ( nien. Tfcos» tfcat talk of tfcemselves in siioh a manaer are called , egotists tfcey pract!ce egotism, the tongoe of van»tv ani.1 se!fisfc- j • ness. Their motto is : ‘everythingj for self. nothing for others.” This is one of tfco characteris- | tics of tfce Prw. Governraent | lt fcas never fai!eō to pancg>'rize j itself an«l ’he ra rebers whieh cnr.»titr.te that olig.ircfcy. However. we are «t a tot»l loss to | comprehetul to wbat, or to wfcom i tfcese everlasting lanil «tions are j being tendeml to Tl>ey have done notfcing worthy of praise, . bnt we know, that the evils tfcat • ( has been exercised bv the Provisional Governmont are ( innnmer»ble. Snch savings as i “the onlv g<Kxl g'»vernment” the *‘hest governroentthat Hawaii has ever ser.*n” »re f»lschoods iudeed. Can a governmeat whieli the : m»joritv of the popnlation of i these islands dialike, a govern- | raent not formed of, for. or hv tho p»»ople, th-»t imposes nnlawfnl tax»tion. tliat violates tlie j constitntional libertv of the peo ple, tliat was est»blished by tfce intervet;ti n of mīsnsed Ameiieau gnns MmpU' to gratify tbc wisfces ; of a miss ; onary corapact. be claime<l to fce a good government' or ean sncb a government long esist ’ —No, never. It »s contran says Slieridan “to t?ie eternal an«l nnalter*ble 1 ws of natnre. 1 and to the decrees of the M iker jof man and of nations. th.it a . • government. fonnded on and , raaintaiacd by injostice. nipioe ■nd hypocrisy ean h»ve any fixe<l [!endnrance or a perm«nent sac-I jcess; tfcere «re. se!f-sown in itown bc- >m. the s<hh!s of its own | ineviUhle dissolntion.” [; A g»XKl goverument is one, in whieh tbe people are free aod not slives. in whieh viear life «nd sweet peaee *re at Iiberty: io whīeh the ooomoo beoefits «ml prt>teclino »re »Lar~ ’i ed «Uke by eaeh aua every ooe of its members. Onr trathfal, wntiogs aod sUtements to ihe pnhlie are 1 1 *iways t »ken as faiseboodsby tfce Provisioo%t G‘iverniDeot; bat I while its organs write tfce bigI gest lie* that ean l>e im«gined > | tber w«nt as U> «uo.it th«t it b e ihe tra:h «■ d ncthing bo» the i trntb, if we correct tbeir f«’se- , | booJj «cd adbere to the rigfct > c«nse we are b«uled in for tibe* i «od ceosiJered «n ecemy to > I them. ls tbi« l»berty «od fr«e- , I do<o or »s it cruelty «od oppm> I sioo ”1 Soch «r> lbe tre«tmeQt« f| we have espeneiw»d the*e tweire i inonth» p«st lioea a g>vernm«nt i; whi-'h elaiOM to be the“boast p»»- ; | rroD»at tb«l Hawaii h«s ever ;. «eee." Yoc\o Hawui«.v. * Hooolaln M«rch U, l«9l