Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
CmzL\s holdiDg p)<intiug int»nvstH *n» Iooking with gr»ve »pf>rehenftioa towanl the future. !A rupture heiween Clevelaml *nd the Hnwaiian govemment will niMO the at r ‘gntion of the li*>proeity tre*ty—ud Ihen goc»dl>\ e to dividend». tc |»l.»nters «nd to Hawaii. — ' » Ir tbe Araeric«n Ix»agae ean ••penm.'nle” the goveroment to rel.w our be*»ily Sand«y l«w« tnd *U w the l>.vnds to pl«y eitber at the «i)Q«re» or «t the )\«rk on Stu.d«y «fternoon», th« comman>ty wiil be owiug tbem « j debt of gr»titude uever to be torgotten. i Tnc tree« on the King »treet oemelen - h«ve been cnt down II i» to be hojvd tb«t Ihe gro*sndt will be pat in« l»»tter sk«(»d th«n «t prweut. V»o«t of the gr»ves «re I io « moeh negleeted coudilion «od I tbe pron»ineiit thoix»oghfare «long whieh the cemetery is «utoated. pre->euh» to (he eyes of rn*oy pws «er-by the nndet\ir«b!« sUt« of *;Uir> Ii i* well known that the I eWiliiinoa »f • peopU b moal «ure)j jndg«d by tho coodilioa 1«nd appeaiwnee uf their bary ing grmtndb