Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — THAT PLATFORM. [ARTICLE]
Some of the Hotten PIanks. 1 1 Wbtn the Seeret Leagne and the ' miss.onaheS" ama)gmmated and b«ecame * The Americ*n Unioo Party’ a platff>rm wu conc«>cte>l whieh in its īoeongroitv and inWDsi*teocy bas no In tbe plaee. not a word i% said abool aunexat:on. Tue «leelai'ilioo tbat a leadicg priocip:e of the party is the ae complisbment of polilieal nnioo with tl e United SUtcs moan a£ncivtioo. an>d it may not. We art iacline«l to believe the latter t-cao.se tbe same Swtion tbe ‘'i>rinciple to il»w> etnb slv ' *un*’.ntenance of a stable * • * a • an l Loa» >t >ow if by jH>)itical auioo Ls meaut anncxutioo the t>ecoud part of the **pnnciple’ is, to say the least sjj>ertluous bec »u.se if Hawaii Leeoai»-» a member of tbe Unite«l SUte» ”sUble and hunest” I (?) governim*ot is, of course, en- , »ure«l witbout assistance of the i , T«rty i In the S»v:tiun dealing with 1 eīu/.eu’' K ghU tlie ptalform d *cUres th>*t the j'aity is in Uvor of liheial s itfn»ge l*w whieh of cuar»e aoaiids very uiee, bnt a clau.se is immediately addcd >tating that un<lcr the said . (‘■|ibt*ral” sotfrigo Uw P. G. («olieemen »n«l 1*. t». .soldiere mnst h.»ve the j)rt*ference. W e •hall bo pleasod to fiud ;:ny states man —oiit> «le tho preat «crobal D *le— who c«n draw a sutfn»gc 1 »w whieh gives sjieoi.il privileges . to |k>1 eemon, who change every | montb, and soldiers who ehanpe every tioie there is a «lrunkou row in the barracks. The mis- • 1 sionari<'a nng'it to be j»road ol hnving {>ut tbeir v»iuable aiul, j<re« imably,intelligeiit signat<ir<-s to that romarkable “pUnk iu ine pUtfurtu of tho j»arly.'' The j>Utfonu. of course. coutaius the oaual j>lank against Asiatic immigratioo. That j> auk h»s been fonnd in ull the pUtfurms ma«le. an«l manu(aotnred here siuce 1887, but we are inclined to doubt the sinceritv of the principle, implying at least as j f»r the miKsiunary wing of the purty is concerned. esj»ecially wheu we soe tlio eontinue«l uu jH»rtation. on the quiet. of the ;.Iaj»auese, while the purtv men «re speecbmakiug an«i ranting. A> Mr. Tenuev corroctly s-«id, i “Iho w«>rk must g«> oo. and we must havo lab«>rers.’” Su s,eiketb th«) planter. The otber **j Unks” in tbe j>ecal«ar platform are mostly takeu from tbe Moehauio , aud W T orkingmen’s Uaion j>Utform. aml aro rather iacougrauos iu their juxta j>osi‘ tu»n witb tbe missionary refurm j»arti«*s private sentimeuts. a.ul, I sball wo so eall tbem,