Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
MWAJI HOLOMUA^ I» l*l BIJL«HnD I •'ve r v A t‘to nioon FX<-EIT J»ry»AT »T TKE Hs!cnua Puhliehia? Co. w At King St. Tbotna« block), Honolalo, H I. x«ath. 52 en TT»* m iWliwn I by r*rrim «a tb* lo«u an>t •al»arb*. Siiu!« tn •i ll» N*#i Iimhni ilI at tu t u( |wbiMaboB. EOUU’īO NORR!E. - • Editor A3KAHAV FtRMSDEZ, • Msn3ger \OTICE. AO Bc.«;»*•» <'onBniur)f»tu*n« «honM be uMn**'’! to A)>r»iuu» Fi*n»and**, llon*lulu, II. I. <Vrr*-M- n !rt> '. M>1 ComnniliMtioM lor «itsUi »bool<l t* nl.tr»•*»-! to tbr E>litor II >l»nstta. Xo aotie® «ill be U* auy »iK>nymou» r»i»u;auio»tu>n.». I lusiiu‘ss t ';ir*ls A. V PETEB80N, ATTORNEY AT LAW. O*.- 11.1 K»*bumano v trt>®t, Ho&ololn llawatut> Ul«otl*. CHAKLCS CKEIGHTON. ATTOUKEY AT LAW. 113 Kaahnmanu Strt>®t, II>*tiolola U«waiian lalan.1» . PAl'L NEl’MANN, ATTURSKY AT LAW. 311 MerchiUit Sttv«'t. Honoluln, Moiiml Tolephono 415. CLAKENCE W. AJS!lFORD, ATTORXCT A3SD <X)l'N8ELL0R AT LAW. OU fajHt.il UoiMine. (Himolnlo Mal*>). adjt>inid£ 1\»S Uonolala. JOHN LOTA KAI LUKOU, ATTOKNEY AT LAW, ooruer King ,V B«ihel Sts LEMTS J. LEVEY, U«a Estute and General A uot ionoei*. C«*»t Fiwt aad Q«Mt Sti**>u, Honelale Pt ;>ional *ttor.ti>>u pivon to S*les of Knmīlun*. Keal R**tate. St,»ck uid Oeneml Mercbnmlu»e. Maiual T.dM-bo4M SSS A. KOSA. ATTOKNFT *T LAW. No. 10 Knahumana St. Honolola, H.iwaiiau lalamU. H E. MflNTYEE 4 KKO., CiKl«fKKI. FeE0 STot*A 1UkF£Y. x Comer ot King »n*l Fort St.v. Honolulu. hlmpipe Saloon, J\MK> OLl>S, IV-*r«!rrv**_ Fine Wine& liqnor£ Beer, ALWAL» OJt HANO. Cbraar Nneann and Ro*ri Strwr!a BrHTcVjAow«l. PuM OffiM Boi S* W. S. LUCE Wine and Spirit Merchant f\rc~proof BL*i. MEBCUAKT ST HONOLULU