Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — PHORCED PHORAGING [ARTICLE]
Successful Raids by Gcncral Sctssors. It my difficuh lr* prodocc an Kng!ich rhyme wilhoul lh<* l«*ttrr ‘*K " wh»ca is n l«imr enu*i n*«nl more than nny oth<*r. But it has bt*cii as tbe fillowing, .*«hich we finj in an o'd puhliealion, shows; A jovi»l ewain roay rack bis brain, And this fancy » uught. To qutx in vaiu. for Ti« iu<*at plain Tbjl what 1 wy i« rigbt, It will l»e nottced that er«ry !olt»*r in tbe a!phabct, exe«pt “K." npt>ear» in ihe liiua ijaot*-d Tbe Oullook remarks that people . i«nst go oub*ide their fami!iar hymns to l«arn the reiigious B»lief • <f Ihe authors, No one wooid gnt»* that ‘*Ne*inr Mv G-d, lo Thee,“ was wr.tten by a Umumn. or“fne Kternal •» **ln**ei« by a Quaker, or '*Tnerf s U’i.ien»*»» m llod * M**rcy Liae the Widen«« of Uu* S*a by a U nnan 0*lholic. It ia rst;m»t vi ih il will be r»timr\d l> pay the b >uoty on lbe s<«gar U»al w:!l be pmdaced in Ihe Uniled Stale* lhis ye«r. Vnis meaos a yield of •j*X>,iXlO.0O * piunds. Pe*.>pie m iapan »re catl«d by the fau>tiy oame dr*t, ihe indi»idual, <»r what wo ehouk) eall Chrb»t* an name. ne*t, *r.d ther. the Njnor:fic—tbu«. ‘ Ha»:lh F-trr Mr Mr GI)u>ao, f irsvriy Au> *nc a <V>rv*ol io J»nml*te. a*—• the ». :> now gr..w;ftg t «»rd lbe ii »t:,e»ft, ju*t »• was pfedict*»i by th* |.roph*i» f ai»d Zichar ah. H »*• l t r ' ,n » o»er *Jo.i»X> Jf*i t»- J> n»»*l' m * Y *•> tw * •* *** r t •> re :* no !t»ī*Utirg »1 • d *me C »0* U> *oolh r| ' Hn you pat n&e in to'nd of rf frral iuany rad*3y*.’’ -Ho«7" ‘ Y«i *r» *.diy in need of * termioa) r.
A ft>« oid U>)I br tlga« da«n E *i **r - $n» i)n: tb* UMNlīonP of 1 CUr;tKJS u«. Ib«M f gns pn>ci«t(D ih»t ail p*naw, »» ‘paopen», Ibdian« aod cl««gv* rv.tr a ji! p«T t'»U ia craH»ing the br-.dgr. Th» iudu’feno# sh»«n to p«upr» »nd » »*!Jy uodrrstocd fr*»m tb« prarŪM> eU««b*re, bul «by ihe Iudtetu «ere ex«md*d » oot »»> c»ear. onleM, in4eed, il *a» • m>»gnit)»»o of the •)y»rififta! rifbt to lde tr»i}o a of the rsgīoj.