Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Anchor-:-Saioon ] Ex ‘AUSTRALIA.“ An*>ther Inrok*e of the World Renowned I : redericksburff o bger Bcer On 'lraacht ar. J hv tbe kc-s: ALw, as a Specia!ty, S VALL Fresh CaL!F0RS!A 0YSTERS, KOK COCKTAlLS fe22 Im Long Brancli B AT H I N G Establishment. Lhi-' Firsl-clas-i Bathtng Bosort has Wen enlarged aiul is now oi*en to the puhlie. It is the l>est plaeo on the islamls to enjoy a bath aml there is no better plaee to lay otl. Special aeeommCHl;itions for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door even - half hourand on Satardaya and Saudays ©very fifteen minutes. 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. LANDS AT \rCTION. By virtne of an order issaed by the Conrt throngh the Chief ]Justieo. Hon. A. F. Judd, in 1 r*‘gard to the Caso of WILLIAM WATSON et al. against Dayid Wntson, tbere will be soid at Publ»c Auction, at the Auelion Kooms of James F. M<>rgan at 12 o’eloek uoon. on SATURDAY Aj>ril 28, 1SU4. All tiiose premises situated at Kaneohe, Koolaupoko, Oaha; aud more par- ; ticul«rly designated as follows, to wit: All are parts of those premise8 conveyed bv Kamehameha IV. to David Walaon, bv deetl da(ed Dec. 2l>, lSt»2, and reconletl in Lib>r 16. p*gvs 127 aml 128. Tit!e |>erfect. at tbe e\jx»nses of the Purohnsors. For furtiier particulars appiy to Wiu.um C. Achi, Attorney for i the Commissionoi, or to S. M. KAAUKAI Cotuioissioner. Honolulu Feb. 23. aoKTfi.iGF.irN \otkt; of roKi:i;i.otii ri; In wilh th» |m*ti««u o? * wrter M ’[>;■<». L(SE OPI*PELK nnel B K NVM VK\. to SAMtTJ. i C. PM!<;RT. «Uu-i I6th of P» «! ur, !S.»i we.-nW (o Lihcr ti9. pw J e», n w pt' i lh*t iL» V >rt- <««*•■ *• th* s*nw ij» ewnhv>t«a. k* »«: !wBj*v3«t o i |s naU InkHw» wh*ti <h»«. t> ikkr«>«v S)*ra tfe«l »ftrl tk» Ieipn'.k'A (4 tknr tfer L»s« , of th»« thr rcv{vrtT sv'Btvt«M h_T wd wUi br » ■ * «1**1 Pnhlk AnctfejB. il «hr C»ftwe of iiKEi P. Moieo, in lloaolnin. on HC>M»AT. »hr »h dny «I H,VKc H, l»t. *S !i c v>B «I »*i! J»T. PnnW juiw«l»s «a k» had ofW*,C, Ar*i. kttorwT ti U». DbW H. a>ini«. Peh 2T. !'»*. &Oll 'cL C. DWIGHT. Tro*s*r. TW pewnW »wjttl bf tbe msJ Stet■Uw wt!ta« «itc*kKi U IUtattkrl». HoWalo. I*Uc *. ot 0*hn. *s4 bk»« cttkoiT Jmcnb*a ta lVnl oi J«sm» F. M >iv<«, fc> «u>t Lw Opcprle. d»tedi 5<th c4 ¥ yknwn. lS*i *»d irrunfad » L»W, IX, pM«* 1Ā «a tn» at 21A-IOW MVr. • pttrt ot pr*a>i*<« «k*mW) is H .Tttl PtMt, Sm». 1*A L. C. A. 89<\ to TLi Lwek»k*tt Iw Ksi*iu»t NoticeD«ttac »I»&t tkt* Xis*pk>m. mj LX£ 1*01 of Uw Flm ot Ym il«f Ub| Vm m »*wm l'aka. MtbroM tt‘.lh iab gvm** eā Atttt«\, XWA| YI ES U V« Mk. I«M.