Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 61, 14 March 1894 Edition 02 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
CHEAP FURNITURE ! VirrG FAT &Co. Corr.'r of Kir>£ *r.! Ik'.hel •*(«.. Hooolala, OfTer a as-ortn.ent of fin« • cd dnur»blc Kr«MTURE, whieh they eell at a t»tt low urr Borc*o-. Me»t Ssfes«, W ardrol»e*, ele., at prices to *ait t'erybody. Call «:i<i m«j**»ct for yoor»elTe«. m*rlt VLNG FAT k CO. N/^U-^O^A .Ti:ST KECEIVED from JATAN SeTeral Kin<l of Cotto;i Crape, Lat«st Styie of Shlrts m <litforont <jaalitle*. dreBt ASpQrtmEnt of peneelain i ••.1 Sets a Speoialty .lapai>‘'*M> LinUmw and n>ary Cono*. «*mt iMo fr> Chri'»ina.s Good*. 411 KIKO srKEirr. Hoaulola. Tt !1 4T4. l’.O. IL'i 3^6. MaOikl 544. n»I3 Itu Holiday Prcscnts Tbe atulorsipue<l beg !e«vo t<> eall tho nttontion to a larce as sortmout of t«st«ful and Je»eln-. suitablo for Chnsttuas l’r«!ionU. I lawaiian Klair Pins in ditforont sins. 1 lawaiiau Jcwelry a aj>ooialty. If y m wanl to boy an olopmi and nt the samo tnne an mexj ensive Chnstraas rrv'sont, eall srv>und and inspect uiy stock. TH08. LLNDSAY, \tola«rar Hkvk. Fort S:,H «a»in!u «Wel tf Sans Sauci HŪI'EL, WAIKIKI, HONOLLLU. -V . T Firsi~C!ass Aeeommooations for Tourists and /sland Guesis. SuF£R/OR 6āTHI*G FāC/UTI£S. Prmte Cott»ge» hr Fmv(mS. oat0 T. A. S13/PSON,